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An 'excellent' chapter in Recovering Scotland's Slavery Past

by David Alston - 12:20 on 24 October 2015

Recovering Scotland's Slavery Past was launched at the Trades Hall, Glasgow, on Thursday evening (22 October 2015). Professor Tom Devine, who has editied and contributed to the volume, spoke of this publication being a turning point in the interpretation of modern Scottish history.

I was delighted to hear Dr Nuala Zahedieh (Director of the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies), who gave an overview of the publication to the audience, describe my chapter as 'excellent'.

It is fifteen years since I began to research this topic and this has been a good week!

Comment from Gordon Fraser at 23:13 on 01 February 2016.
My relative Alexander Fraser is noted here having fathered a number of children with his house keeper Peggy. I am seeking the last name of Peggy and what became of children who remained in BG after Alexander's death in 1829. Daughter Isobel married Angus Fraser-I have not information on her. Daughter Elizabeth married Edward Thorpe, apparently a land appraiser. He died in the 1840 by drowning.

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