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Cruikshank (Surinam)

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Alexander Cruikshank, eldest son of Dr [James] Cruikshank, Haughs of Corse, died at Nickerie on 13 July 1820 [Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh, Scotland), Saturday, September 30, 1820; Issue 15457]. His father, who died at Haughs of Corse (Huntly) in 1849 aged 90, was married to a Helen Stuart and had children who went to the West Indies [see William Temple, The Thanage of Fermartyn, 175]

By 1819 an A. Cruikshank was at John Stuart's plantation Paradise on the Nickerie river and by 1843 the plantation was owned by 'boedel Cruikshank', administered by A Macdonald, J Wilson, W J Cruikshank and A Dessé. At Cruikshank's death the property passed to Dessé.

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