A James Forbes, from the Inverness area, arrived in Demerara before 1805, when he wrote to Rev James Macgregor, in Pictou, Nova Scotia, saying that 'he had a good deal of sickness there at first, but that now he enjoys good health'. MacGregor also referred to a letter from Hannah Haywood in Inverness in which she said that 'James Forbes intends to return home after a year or two with a small fortune'.
MacGregor, writing to his aunt's wife in Inverness, commented:
A vain intention indeed! How many have made the same resolution, but could never put it in execution! Every man promises to be content with a little fortune while he has it not, but as soon as he gets it, it is nothing, and it requires more to make a little fortune, till old age or death comes. Besides how many drop off especially in the unhealthy climate of Demerara, and the West Indies, before a year or two run their round! Alas! few have the wisdom to know they have enough. Fortune hunters are among the chief of fools.
[Memoir of the Reverend James MacGregor, Part 4]
These letters suggest a connection between the Forbes and Heywood families - and a James Heywood Forbes, born in Inverness in 1799 [GROS 098/00 0060 0118], went to Demerara c1814 and died there in 1830 [Aberdeen Journal, issue 4338]. He was the son of John Forbes, merchant, and Hannah Grant who married in Inverness on 5 Oct 1797 [GROS 098/00 0080 0197].