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Early maps


For maps/lists of plantation owners in Demerara see:

  1. River Demerara, 1759

    [University of Amsterdam Library] – 122 plantations


  2. Demerara 1785

    [Netherlands National Archives]


  3. Demerara, 1786

    [University of Amsterdam Library] – 187 plantations


  4. Demerara & Essequibo, 1798

    map[Harvard Library]


  5. Demerara & Essequibo, 1798 plantation owners sheet 1 & sheet 2

    [Harvard Library]


  6. Demerara, 1823 [John Carter Brown Library – requires download of Luna Insight browser] together with text of Joshua Bryant,

    Account of an insurrection of the negro slaves in the colony of Demerara [1824], p114.



For early maps/lists of plantation owners in Berbice see:

  1. Berbice, 1740 [University of Amsterdam Library]

  2. Berbice 1763: Berbice door een Liefhebber opgemaakt 1763 [John Carter Brown Library – requires download of Luna Insight browse]


Other sources

Chart of Berbice, 1799 [National Archives, Kew: Catalogue Reference MPG/1/968] with list of plantation owners

Henry Bolinbroke, A Voyage to the Demerary [London, 1807] was written after he had spent seven years from 1799 as a clerk in Demerara. The map from this book is in the gallery on this page.






Henry Bolinbroke's map 1807
Henry Bolinbroke's map 1807
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