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Scots planters - others

William Lowe

In 1798 William Lowe subscribed 10 guineas to the Northern Infirmary, Inverness. In 1802 the Caledonian Mercury reported the death at Berbice, on 5th June, of William Low, merchant [Caledonian Mercury, Saturday 06 November 1802].

James Macgregor (Edinburgh)

At George Town, Demerara, aged 25, Mr James Macgregor, merchant, only son of Mr Macgregor, St Andrew's Square. He was a most dutiful son, just and honourable in all his transactions. He is much and justly regretted. The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1825

Daniel Weir (Kerse)

Daniel Weir, merchant in Demerary, son of Thomas Weir Esq, Kerse, died in Demerara in January 1793. [Scots Magazine]

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