8.5.21 E Gautier Judged at Kirby Misperton a.m Nursery trial, and G Blyth the pm Championship
Best wishes to Ian Murdoch, having his hip done - Speedy recovary, Ian; Sandy and Pershaw Pete was missed too. A very poor weather forecast fulfilled all expectations, but Roy Cole's mobile catering in the Barn was a key consoling feature, SO very much appreciated. Ditto our two judges. Thank you!
1 J Simpson and Henry 77
2 J Goulder and Tweeddale Kep 76
3 S Aconley Lad 66
4 J Atkinson Stella 65
5 R Cole Tweeddale Stella 55
6 J Read Denwyn Fred 50
Championship G Blyth
1 J Simpson Henry
2 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep
3 S Aconley Lad
4 C Cutler Sam
Nothing after Christmas, Lock Down Intervened...
Christmas Break!
P. Turnbull judged our Nursery at Bransdale, last of the season. Sheep were very manageable and fun to work.
1 S Aconley Hilston Lad 76
2 C Cutler Sam 73
3 J Simpson Henry 72
4 B Harland Spot 71
5 J B Murdoch Nip 70
6 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep 64
7 S Beaton Hayshaw Pete 57
8 J Simpson Meg 55
No idea when our next will be, just grateful we were able to enjoy some friendly trialing, and look forward to once more welcoming everyone next year who has missed out this year.
Happy Christmas, every one!
This sat's trial 12th dec at Bransdale until the
following sat, 19th Dec.
After a month's pause to accomadate C19, happily if briefly back in business...
Thank you to our hosts who braved wet conditions, provided very mannerly sheep and poured the Port!
6.12.20 R Murdoch ( Sheriff Hutton) judged 12 dogs at Hutton Rudby
1 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep 78
2 Jane Simpson Meg 77
3 J Simpson Henry 75
4 S Aconley Hilston Lad 74 OLF
5 C Cutler Sam 74
6 J B Murdoch Nip 73
7 S Beaton Hayshaw Pete 70
8 T Bell Dale 68
Next week 12.12.20 C19 committee members only Nursery at South bank farm, Bransdale, 11.00 start..
5.12.20 P Exelby (Tadcaster) judged 13 Nursery dogs at Kirby Misperton
1 C Cutler Sam 78
2 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep 73
3 T Bell Chad 72
4 G R Harland Spot 70
5 J B Murdoch Nip 66
6 S Beaton Hayshaw Pete 61
7 T Bell Dale 60
8 S Aconley Hilston Lad 54
Next week 12.12.20 C19 committee members only Nursery at South bank farm, Bransdale, 11.00 start..
L Morland judged 14 dogs at Mt Ash Farm 31.10.20
Grateful thanks to the hosts, the Thompson family, J B doing stirling work on the exhaust gates.
The weather was gruesome but the atmosphere cheerful, tempered with some anxiety, as a second lockdown seems to be in the offing.
1 J B Murdoch Nip 75
2 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep 69
3 S Beaton Hayshaw Pete 66 olf
4 J Simpson Meg 66
5 J Simpson Henry 64
6 J Cook Max 61 olf
7 C Cutler Sam 61
8 G R Harland Skip 60
B Gullen judged 15 dogs at Kirby Misperton on 25.10.20, a bright, reasonably mild day enjoyed by all, and a new team of creditable Turners Out are to be celebrated!
1 S Aconly Hilston Lad 79
2 S Beaton Hayshaw Pete 74
3 C Cutler Sam 73 olf
4 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep 73
5 J Atkinson Marchup Stella 70
6 R Harland Skip 66
7 R Cole Tweeddale Stella 63
8 J Simpson Henry 57
Our next is once again at Mt Ash, 31.10.20.
E Gautier judged 15 dogs at Mountain Ash farm, Glaisdale, 24.10.20 Thanks to our hosts the Thompson clan, from 90 years to 9 months young Pete the Star!
1 J Simpson Henry 74
2 S Aconly Hilston Lad 66
3 C Cutler Sam 62
4 J B Murdoch Nip 61 olf
5 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep 61
6 R Cole Tweeddale Stella 58
7 J Simpson Meg 58
8 T Bell Chad 57
17.10.20 B Gullen judged 18 dogs at Egton
Many thanks to our hosts Jackie and Steve, turning out and helping out!
1 J Simpson Henry 81
2 J Goulder Tweeddale Kep 65
3 S Aconley Hilston Lad 64
4 S Beaton Hayshaw Pete 63
5 J Cook Max 61
6 G R Harland Spot 60
7 C Cutler Sam 58
8 G R Harland Skip 50
Our next is At Glaisdale, 24. 10.20 Covid committee only, followed on sun 25 with CovCom Only at Kirby Misperton.
11.10.20 Covid19 Committee trial for Open dogs at Windy Hill G R Harland judged 24 dogs
Many thanks to our hosts Jane and Tim for their weekend's work putting on two days trialing for us, so appreciated. Well done to James and Hilston Ted, open winners, and Jane with Henry the Nursery winners.
1 J Read Hilston Ted 96
2 J Atkinson Whiterose Queen 95
3 JB Murdoch Hilston Sport 94 OLF
4 W Young Farslack Tizz 94
5 P Exelby Jess 91
6 C Cutler Jill 89
Our next is at Egton, 17.10.20 11.00 start
10.10.20 Nursery Windy Hill P Exelby judged 15 dogs
1 J Simpson Henry 85
2 C Cutler Sam 80
3 S Aconly Hilston Lad 79
4 AJ Bell Dale 71
5 J Read Denwyn Fred 71
6 J Simpson Meg 66
7 S Beaton Hayshaw Pete 59
JB Murdoch Nip 54
First Nursery Covid Committee members only At Greenend, Beckhole. 11.00 am start, 3.10.20
Poor weather did not spoil the atmosphere of the first Nursery under C19 restrictions. We thank our host Andrew and Esme too for putting it on and congratultions to our winner, Ian and Nip.
12 dogs ran Greenend farm J Goulder judged 3.10.20
presented by host, Andrew Hollins ( that is not the winning dog by the way!)
1 J B Murdoch Nip 68 and 1st trial Dick Hollins trophy olf
2 J Simpson Henry 68
3 S Beaton Pete 54
4 S Aconley Hilston Lad 53
5 C Cutler Sam 49
6 GR Harland Spot 48
7 R Cole Tweedale Stella 43
Our next is at Windy Hill Hutton Rudby sat 10.10.20, 11.00 start followed on 11.10.20 by a trial for open dogs at Windy Hill, same venus,covid committee members only
Open and Nursery Trials from the ISDS
Many Members who are running Open and Nursery trials are asking for more guidance. To this end one of our members who is a solicitor by profession, has very kindly volunteered his help to draw together the necessary guidance and advice that anyone running an outdoor sporting or leisure event needs to adhere to. The document will now be submitted to the appropriate Government department who deal with dispensations for outdoor leisure and sporting events. Approval from this department would give all committees and individuals organising trials the comfort that they are properly compliant. In addition to the overall guidance and advice, organisers need to ensure they have insurance cover and check if there are any local authority restrictions exclusive to their immediate area. We are hopeful that this document will go onto the Society website next week.
Nurseries 20/21
Under Covid 19 regulations, on Sun 27th 0f September, we are having a trial strictly for Ryedale 'covid committee members' to run their Open dogs
10.30 Start West house farm, YO21 2SE, Kildale.
We hope to be able to announce some Nursery dates under the same conditions after Sunday 27th
There are plans for a Nursery season.
In the interests of conforming with social distancing, and protection of members from potential infection with Covid 19, Ryedale's Nursery trials will be comittee members only. For the duration of the corona virus threat, 'covid committee members' are defined as members who ran more than five times at our last seaon's Nurseries, and considered Ryedale as their primary society, running for Ryedale in the Interclub.
Acres K
Aconley S
Atkinson J
Beaton S
Bell J A
Blyth G
Broughton P
Bowmer D
Cook J
Cornforth S
Cole R
Cutler C
Dugmore R
Exelby P
Gautier E
Goulder J
Harland G R
Law P
Mosey A
Murdoch J B
Murdoch R
Rangely J
Read J
Read S
Read T
Thompson JB
Thompson P
Turnbull J
Turnbull P
Simpson J
Simpson T
Ward M
Wharton A
Wilkinson A
Young W
This gives the required no more than 30 people on the field at one time, but avoids the potential risks inherent in larger numbers.