Open Results 2015
(Points for D Robinson's Rosebowl in black, J Hollow's 3 trial Silver Plate in green)

George Redpath judged 25 open and 8 nursery dogs. 5.9.15 at Kildale Show

Farndale Show J Goulder judged 8 Nursery and 14 open dogs at Farndale Show trial, very wet most of the afternoon...
1 J B Murdoch Bob 88 14+6
2 P Turnbull Floss 84 13+5
3 M Ward Alf 79 4
4 A Mosey Nap 76 3
5 C Cutler Cap 72 11+2
6 M Ward Fern 72 1
1 G Blyth Sid 70
2 J Atkinson Upland Lou 69
3 T Atkinson Nell 66
4 J Atkinson Whiterose Squire 64
I forgot my camera... The trial was a good one, the sheep better behaved than last year, though hard to pen. We are threatened with some interesting new nursry dogs this autumn!
G R Harland judged 23 dogs 29.8.15 at Bilsdale Show Trial.
1 J Atkinson Whiterose Queen 76 and the Cup.
2 P Exelby Gwen 75
3 A Mosey Nap 72
4 J B Murdoch Ben 71
5 C Cutler Cap 70
6 J Goulder Chap 68
Cup for the Best run without a pen W Young and Rap 59
Egton Show Trial J B Murdoch judged 25 open and 16 nursery dogs
1 B Smith Zac 81 6 B Swinbank has this winner's cup
2 B Harland Flash 80 5 5
3 B Bell Hutch 79 3+4 3+4
4 P Exelby Gem 77 13+3 13+3
5 P Broughton Clarkie 75 2 2 Cup for best before lunch.
6 D Purtill Sid 75 1
1 B Smith Sky 79
2 D Purtill Mist 72
3 J Atkinson Nell 70
4 J Goulder Comebye Keswick 69
This is one of the freindliest show trials, with a very attentive audience who wills each dog and handler round the course, well informed by J B Thompson on the microphone. The weather was perfect, the sheep good, the running good, what more could you ask!
Danby Show 12.8.15 C Cutler judged 32 dogs.
Thankyou to the four letter - outers, Dan, Paul, Ian and Rachel, and the Harrison family for supplying the sheep from Fryup.
A lovely summer day for a summer show...
1 P Turnbull Floss 75 5+6
2 M Mason Slip 74 6+5
3 J Brunton Moe 69 4
4 M Watson Gail 68 3
5 JB Murdoch Bob 65 12+2
6 R Dugmore Sassy 63 1
7 B Bell Hutch 59
8 R Murdoch Mona 58
The sheep were tough all day, but the runs improved, with more managing to pen, after they went back, second time over.
Thornton le Dale Show trial, 5.8.15. J Brotherton judged 29 entries
R Curtis and Tam on the way to penning for a 4th place
A very successful show trial, thankyou to all the Show Staff who put up the fencing which worked a treat, or just possibly the dog handling standard was marginally higher!
1. W. Young Rap 84 6 9
2 P Exelby Gem 83 8+5 4+8
3 G Redpath Murdo 82 21+4 15+7
4 R Curtiss Tam 77 3 6
5 J B Murdoch Ben 75 7+2 5
6 T Bell Mack 74 OLF 1 4
7 R Dugmore Sassy 74 3
8 J B Murdoch Bob 71 9+2
9 S Beaton Sam 67 2+1
G Redpath and Murdo are delighted to take the Jack Hollows Memorial Plate, congratulations to them, to be presented at the end of season dinner.
Some winners have some bags of dog food to collect!
The Competition for best conditioned dog was well marshalled and well surported.
Overall Champ was Pauline and Joe Dean's Bryce
second was Emily Gautier's Gale.
Emily and Gale with judge, Liz Sutcliffe
Greg Sutcliffe presents his grandfather's 'Hard Luck' Trophy to S Beaton
It was most unfortunate that the man with the cattle waggon giving up his time collecting the sheep generously loaned by A Mosey found himself completely unassissted in loading them from the exhaust pen at the end of the day. Trials and all that goes with them, good friends and neighbours, do not happen by magic. Next year Ryedale is proudly hosting the English Nationals which follow very closely after Thornton Dale Show. Bob and I feel we have thoroughly enjoyed the three years we fell in for the duties undertaken at our three local country shows, but can no longer confidently guarrentee to continue.
A Message from B Swinbank...
'A hugh thank you to those who came to support the Osmotherly show open Dog trial, 1.8.15.
it is so important to try to keep the trials going at local shows
The big thank you to Stephen Flintoft and Pete for doing a great job setting the sheep out and Mr wilf Flintoff for manning the exhaust Pen, and not forgetting Andrew Hunter for judging 34 dogs.
1st J Read Sally
2 nd I Murdoch Bob
3 rd F Satterthwaite Matt
4th G Redpath Scott
5th S Beaton Sam
6 th I Murdoch Mona
Best before lunch Ian Murdoch
Thank you all again hope to see u back next year'
Ryedale Show trial, 28.7.15 J Atkinson judged 37 dogs.
Testing sheep, as usual at Ryedale Show trial...intermittent heavy rain, and a late start meant a long day for the workers and the judge.
J Read and Sally confronting reluctant ewes at the pen (thanks Elizabeth for the pic, your sec forgot her camera)
Some very good runs made all the difference and the best of these were
1 A Throup Bob 81 6 9
2 J B Murdoch Bob 74 7+5 1+8
3 George Redpath Murdo 72 17+4 8+7
4 Lyn Morland Nell 69 3 6
5 P Turnbull Floss 65 2 5
6 J Read Sally 64 4+1 7+4
7 F Whitfield Bob 61 3
8 G Redpath Scott 60 2
9 A Mosey Trooper 59 1
Prize for dogs booked in before 11.00
1 G Redpath and Murdo
2 G Redpath and Scott
3 J B Murdoch and Ben
Thanks to J B Murdoch and Rachel for turning out all day in poor condtions, Les Jones for support with extra gates, turning out and traffic directing ('This is a sheepdog trial, That's a trailer park') Bob Harland for bringing and setting up the course before going off to gather, and picking it up after gathering...And Elizabeth for all her help with the paper work...
A Throup and Bob got the Champion's cup.
J Goulder and Chap got the Most Handsome Sheepdog cup...
Saltersgate Show Trial, 25.7.15, 25 dogs ran, M Ward judged
In it's third year, this trial finally attracted the 25 open dog entries required to give the places points. Thank you to each and every dog that ran!
1. M Mason Slip 69 6
2 J Goulder Chap 64 5
3 T Wilson Tarn 63 4
4 P Exelby Gem 63 5+3
5 S Beaton Sam 62 8+2
6 R Watson Mac 61 1
The sheep improve each year, this year, if your dog kept off, they were managable.
Look carefully at the mad leaping thing at the back, she ruined my run refusing to pen!
Malton Show 5.7.15 J Cropper judged 27 dogs
1 S Cropper Ricky 85 9+6 9
2 G Redpath Murdo 80 12+ 5 8
3 J Read Sally 78 4 7
4 S Cropper Ben 77 4+3 6
5 Alec Baines Tanhill Al 77 6+2 5
6 P Exelby Gem 74 4+1 4
7 A Baines Tanhill Lassie 73 3
8 S Beaton Sam 72 2
9 J B Murdoch Bob 71 1
Best before 11.00 S Cropper Ricky
Champion's Cup and Ladies Cup, S Cropper Ricky
Best Pen Cup Alec Baines Tanhill Al
Best Shed Cup G Redpath Scott
Best OLF Shield J B Murdoch Bob
Best Local Shield P Exelby Gem
Baysdale Abbey Open 30.5.15 Judge J Rangely, 40 dogs ran
1 G Redpath Murdo 88 6+6
2 S Beaton Sam 69 5+3
3 J Edgar Sally 68 4
4 J Atkinson Whiterose Queen 66 3+3
5 D Bristow Parksfarm Belle 60 2
6 B Helliwell Meg 58 1
the bluebells are late, but so lovely...
the sheep, on the whole a lot less lovely! Never underestimate the cunning and bloody-mindness of fit swale hoggs! Real pigs! The dogs worked well all day, many defeated at each obstacle and almost all at the pen, so most never got to the split...
Dacre Open 4.5.15 B Bell judged 61 dogs
1 A Baines Tanhill Al 87 6
2 G Redpath Murdo 84 1+ 5
3 S Cropper Ben 80 OLF 4
4 A Temple Don 80 3
5 J Cropper Ricky 79 7+ 2
6 J B Murdoch Ben 76 6+1
Penning was an achievement denied many; those that did, even out of the prizes, went away happy
especialy if followed by a descisive single!
Nova Lane Pickering Open 22.3.15 L Jones judged 50 dogs
Much better weather today resulting in very high scores
1 J B Murdoch Ben 93 OLF 6
2 C Cutler Cap 93 6+5
3 F Satterthwaite Matt 93 4
4 J B Murdoch Bob 92 OLF 4+3
5 J Fawcett Lola 92 2
6 G Redpath Murdo 92 1
Sheep going back for the afternoon runs.
Nova Lane, Pickering Open 21.3.15 J Goulder judged 45 dogs
A cold day, with high winds which clearly affected the hearing of many dogs. Particularly difficult on the cross driving section, where a lot of really promising starts came unstuck.
1. C Cutler and Cap 92 6
2. G Blyth and Calderdale Tib 91 OLF 5
3 C Cutler and Lottie 91 4
4 B Bell and Hutch 91 3
5 J Read Tom 89 2
6 A Blackmore Roy 87 1
L Morland and Ola start the outrun at Bolton Percy today
11.1.15 Bolton Percy... 2nd charity Open J Goulder judged 45 dogs
1 M Watson Morse 97 6 +2
2 R Saxton and Cammen Rip 93 5
3 J B Murdoch Bob 90 4
4 J Atkinson Queen 88 3
5 J Cropper Ricky 86 2 +5
6 A Kyme Tom 85 1
A grey chilly day with some high wind at times; the main challange from the sheep came when they were lifted. On the course they were good, and better to pen than last week. Thank you to J Rangely the host, S Beaton, P Exelby, G Redpath and all the letting out team, Ian Murdoch for the Prattley and Rachel for doing all the paper work. Over £400 pounds was raised for charity.
4.1.15 Open Charity Bolton Percy, 44 ran B Bell judged
1 S Duckworth Barney 90 6
2 J Cropper Ricky 89 5
3 P Exelby Gem 87 4
4 S Beaton Sam 86 3
5 M Watson Morse 86 2
6 T Longton Craig 86 1