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Did I Not Tell You?       

Did I not tell you, you are perfect, and precious in My sight, did I not tell you that you were the apple of My eye, did I not tell you, that I carved you into the palms of My hands, did I not tell you, that I would never leave you, nor forsake you, that I have all of your days planned?

Did I not call you My sons and daughters, and to Me your more than just a friend,  did I not tell you that your My beloved, and I will carry you, until the end, did I not tell you that I would give you perfect peace, abundant life, to overflowing, did I not tell you that I would fill your mouth with laughter,  that I'm your strength, to keep you growing?

Understand this world offers nothing, but kingdom living, is worth seeking, understand that souls matter, remember love, and grace abound, angels in heaven rejoice, over one repentant sinner, do the greater works, of the Father, no greater love is ever found.

Lisa Beth Jenkins Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

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