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Whom among you will serve, will take up the basin, and towel?
Whom among you will serve, wash your brother's and sister's feet?
Whom among you will serve, and do unto other's, and feed My sheep?

Who will bring My peace, My joy, and My love, who will set the captives free
and be My hands, and feet, who will intercede for the ones in need, who will
live, and walk in My ways, and bring unity?

Take up the basin, and the towel, serve one another, in humility, and love,
As the Savior did for them, we must do what He's done, love the Lord your God,
with all your heart, soul, and mind, and walk humbly with thy God, preferring
one another, before yourselves, take up the basin, and the towel, give as only
He did, this is the way of it all, come be His servant, and heed the call.

Lisa Beth Jenkins Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved
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