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Everywhere we go we are called upon to increase,
Increase in our knowledge,  increase in our wisdom,
Increase in  our  finances,  what about our spiritual
life? Where does this apply?  I believe the Lord desires
for every child of His to be in prosperity of our souls,
our health, and in our wealth.  Without knowledge we
are nothing,  God said,  "My children perish for lack
of knowledge."   If we are going to be used by the
Lord and we lack in knowledge, or discernment, or
are in poor health, or in poverty in finances, we cannot
be a very good example to the outside world, nor can
we be good stewards of His money.  Yes, it is God's money
we tend to forget that it is He Who gives us the power
to get wealth.  If we are not prospering in our souls,
Our soul can only thrive and grow when we are deep into
the Word of God, deep in worship, deep in prayer time,
deep in fellowship with God the Father, deep in assembling ourselves,
in one accord with the saints of God.  III JOHN : 2  Beloved
I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even
as your soul prospers. ( refers to financial prosperity, and should
be the case for every Believer) (speaks of physical prosperity),
(speaks of spiritual prosperity; so we have the whole Gospel for
the whole man).  Expositor's Bible Reference.  Psalm 115:14
This is an awesome promise! 115:14 The Lord shall increase you more and
more, you and your children. (The very word "blessing" means "increase".
Expositor's Bible Reference.  So you see, we are to be ever increasing
in our walk with the Lord daily, in our health, in our finances, and in our
souls.  Ever increasing in our faith walk. This is the will of God.

Lisa Beth Jenkins Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved

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