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This Great America

by Lisa Beth Jenkins - 04:49 on 07 June 2007

God gave us many blessings for this great America,  the God founded principals, in which to hold truth in love, the godly men and women that stood for right and wrong, no relativism. but moral truths to stand on,  the right to believe, and stand strong.

God gave us the rights to freedom of speech, freedom to worship, where ever we chose,  freedom to vote, free to uphold, He gave us men in leadership that believed in the sanctity of life, and men who believed in God,  and one man and and one wife, freedom to have children that would grow up loved and strong,  to respect our flag and government,  and  prayers in the schools,  to live at peace with one another, and live by the golden rule.

Oh my  heart is sometimes saddened by what some of what we've lost, but I know that God will one day rule, and bring back what the enemy has cost,  but still today I can proudly say I love my country true, and I will stand and proudly say, America I love you.

Lisa Beth Jenkins c.2007 All Rights Reserved


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