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Many Things


Mon, Sep 7th - 6:46AM

Many Things

Many things I inspired in men, but strangely it seems, to have faded to dim, and many take no heed to My word, and  it is as if it was never heard.

Sight is not what we can rely on, for sight will fail, and make you falter along, what is birthed in the heart, what is promised is true, and sight will fail, the vision lives in you.

The vision is what is purposed, the dream, the destiny, it is steadfast, walk by faith, and you will see, ahh by faith, this is it, your purpose to fulfill, when I have set forth, decreed it at will, not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord, walking in the vision, is when all is restored.

Lisa Beth Jenkins Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved

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