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Hello My Child won't you come inside and sit at My feet for awhile, won't you stay and tell Me what's on your mind, can we have time together today and chat like old friends...But Father there's things that I don't know what or how to say what can I say that will make things alright where I feel no hurt nor shame, My child, don't you know that I love you and that you can say anything that's on your heart and mind, I have all the time to just listen to you, and share My love, My heart, My wisdom for what you'll do...You see I have a great plan for you, it was written before time, all the things I planned for you, all the things I designed...Daddy, what can I say...I love you Lord, I do, but somtimes I'm just afraid...Fear not My child, fear is not of Me, but only from the enemy...Fear not for I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind...Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid, peace I give to you, not as the world gives, give I unto you....Father do you love me?  I love thee with an everlasting love, no man can pluck you from the Father's hand, nothing shall separate you from the love of God ...Nothing....Thank you Father for loving me. I praise you, Oh Mighty King, for You alone bring a joy and song to my heart. My child...that is why I love you, that is why I sing songs of deliverance over you, that is why I defend you...My love for you runs deep, deeper than the deepest of oceans, and higher than any mountain. My love is for you from now till the end of the age.   Love conversation with my heavenly Father. Lisa Beth Jenkins c.2007 All Rights Reserved

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