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How He Sees Us

Does His letter touch your life, does His face, make you shine, shine the Light, of Jesus on your face, does His hands become your hands, does His Word become your words, does His compassion, run through your veins, does His love shine through you, today?

Oh to be like Jesus, isn't it such a wonderful way to be, to walk in His ways, to stand, and honor Him today, with every word, and deed, to plant His seeds of love, and tell all of His ways, to be an epistle, read of all men, what a legacy of love we can send.

How I long to be able to stand up to these words, how I long to be like Him, knowing in my heart, I can be all of these things, through His cleansing power of His blood, for when God looks at me, He sees the robes of Jesus righteousness, cloaked and bathed in the blood, that is how He sees us, sons, and daughter's of God.

Lisa Beth Jenkins copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

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