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Going To The Mountain To Pray

by Caroline Allen - 18:06 on 17 July 2008
Going To The Mountain To Pray I am going to the mountain to pray, I'm going to wait, upon the Lord today, I'm going to sit, until I hear His voice, He said be still, and know, that I am God, He said rest, My child in Me, for in returning, and resting, thou wilt gather strength, I'm going to go to the mountain, to seek His face, to gather my manna, and drink. Sometimes we all need to draw aside, and hide in the cleft of the rock, sometimes we get so weary, sometimes the battle is strong, sometimes there just isn't any song in our heart, but if we go to the mountain and pray, God will meet you, in your greatest need today. Just like Elijah, that mighty prophet, that was hiding in that cave, he stood on the mountain, and God said, what are you doing here today, it wasn't in the fire, it wasn't in the quake, but in the wind, a still small voice came his way, so just go to that mountain top experience, and you will hear the still small voice too, go to that mountain, and pray! Lisa Beth Jenkins Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved When Jesus had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Matthew 14:23

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