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Let God Arise!!!

by Caroline Allen - 17:52 on 04 November 2007

Let God arise, let His enemies scatter, we're in this great spiritual battle, but nothing else matters, we have the sword of the Spirit, and the shield of faith, and with our armor on, we can crush any demon we face!

For with the word of our testimony, and by the Blood of the Lamb, we have this Spiritual Captain, the Great I Am, Who is the Army of the Lord of Hosts, Who can defeat, all of our foes, just speak the Word, and shout of praise, you know the enemy hates it, when you read His Word, and Pray, and all he can do, is run away!

You can choose to be weak, or you can choose to be strong, the Holy Spirit bears witness, when we are not doing it wrong, when we walk in obedience, and follow the King, we have reason to shout, and reason to sing!

So lift your head up high, and know to Whom you belong, and set the enemy to fleeing, for in God's might you are strong, pray without ceasing, storm the gates of heaven, and remember this one thing, it's not by might nor by power but by My Spirit saith the King!

Lisa Beth Jenkins c.2007 All Rights Reserved



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