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by Caroline Allen - 14:57 on 11 October 2007


Warring In The Heavenlies Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 5:22 AM
  Think not that prayers are going unheard,
for when we pray, it brings down strongholds,
destroys all darkness of the enemy, silent swords
in the day or night, unseen angels battling the fight.

Think not that watchman on the wall, are watching in vain,
powerful intercessor's, sent to remain, faithful to the call,
to destroy the works of the enemy, unseen, but powerful, down
on their knees.

So don't give up the fight, fight the good fight of faith,
pray without ceasing, keep running this race, for in the battles
of the day or night, and the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord
lifts up a standard, and the enemy flees, and runs!

Warring angels sent to fight the evil of this world,
Victory's in the prayer, and God's glory is unfurled,
There's a war in the heavenlies, for what is good, and
right, victory to smite the enemy, with prayer, and the
power of His might!

Lisa Beth Jenkins c.2007
All Rights Reserved


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