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Found Not Wanting

by Caroline Allen - 14:12 on 01 September 2007


Found Not Wanting

Sometimes we grow weary, from the things in our life, and burdens seem more than we can bear, sometimes it's a dry arrid land, and we are parched from the cares of this world, but always there is a cool refreshing spring, hidden in the treaures of God's Word, we have only to open it, and listen with our heart, and sweet springs of water, He will impart.

Are we filling our vessels with His oil, is it burning brightly, or a dim flickering light,  is it just barely lit, or  has it died out, we dare not be found wanting, in spiritual need, are we faithfully praying, and planting new seed, are we renewing our minds with what His Word says, or are we walking about in emptiness, and dread? 

We must always be ready, for we know not, when He will return, we do not , want to be  like the ten virgins, when He returns, with ourselves quickly searching, for our lamps to be lit, are we filled with His treasures, or are things deeply hid?

Let the Word always be fresh, and new, bubbling over with goodness, restored, and renewed, no stale manna,  that only stagnates and dies, but fresh new anointing, your needs to supply, every hearer, that comes, will hear, goodness of praise, and they will be blessed for all of their days.

Lisa Beth Jenkins c.2007  All Rights Reserved

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