Mick Yarrow Miniatures (M.Y.Miniatures) | sitemap | log in |
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website. | ||
NEWS: New website is now old website, we're back on Spanglefish with no shopping cart!
HOLIDAY I am away on holiday from
To navigate this site, choose the tab on the left that you require (ie 15mm The Ice Age) Press the tab and the page with Ice Age figures and pictures will appear. Select the figures etc that you require. Send me detail of what you want, the catalogue number, name of item and amount required and I will invoice you with the amount to pay and postage etc. Simple! Also, alternatively, if you want to just Email me a full list of what item you require, plus the price together with the amount of payment and postage, then pay the full amount and postage to my account at Pay Pal, to mickyarrowminiatures@yahoo.co.uk
Postage and Packing UK and BAOR 10% of order value or minimum of £3.00 postage ( Mail as of 1st Feb 2024 has risen to £3.00 minimum and may rise again soon)
EU- 30% of order value or minimum of £5.00 postage
USA-Rest of the world The price of postage to America has doubled in the past couple of years. I can not absorb this cost any more. So mail to America is nowl 30% of order value but a minimum postal rate of £10 If you have any problems then Email me at royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk
25mm Dark Age Figures
Viking Warriors painted by Kev Ward
Vikings, Saxons and Normans
These figures are 25mm figures (average height 30mm) and have seperate heads, weapons and shields
For Postage and Packing Prices see seperate heading POSTAGE AND PACKING If you have a querry over the figure, ships etc, please do not hesitate to E-mail me Please note
25mm Dark Age Figures Saxon Warriors painted by Kev Ward Separate heads, weapons and shields Saxon Saxon foot figures as listed above in various poses for £1.00 each
Saxon Flags drawn by Kev Ward
Viking warriors painted by Kev Ward 25mm Vikings VIK1 Standing chainmail arm lowered 1 Viking warriors of the above listing, in various poses for £1.00 each
Vikings painted by Kev Ward
Separate heads, weapons and shields Norman Cavalry painted by Kev Ward 25mm Norman Horsemen Warriors painted by Kev Ward
1 Noman foot figures in various poses for £1.00 each NH1 Standing advancing horse with separate Six Noman horsemen in various poses for £1.50.
Norman foot and horse painted by Kev Ward Norman Warriors painted by Kev Ward Free Norman flags by Kev Ward
Free Saxon flags
Viking Warriors painted by Kev Ward | ||