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The Battle of Sedgemoor 1685, Argyll's rebellion in Scotland 1685 The Covernanter Rebellion in Lowland Scotland of 1679 Also the war in Ireland 1690 1691, Tangiers and Wars of Europe 1690s- 1700s
Some more new figures added
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EU- 30% of order value or minimum of £5.00 postage
USA-Rest of the world The price of postage to America has doubled in the past couple of years. I can not absorb this cost any more. So mail to America is nowl 30% of order value but a minimum postal rate of £10
If you have any problems then Email me at royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk
Unless otherwise noted figures are 15mm scale and cost £2.50p per pack of 8 foot or 4 mounted
Minifigs All prices are in UK pounds. Payable by Pay Pal, cash or cheque (in UK pounds sterling) drawn on a UK bank and made payable to: M. YarrowIf you have a querry over the figure, ships etc, please do not hesitate to E-mail meSedgemoorFor a wealth of information on forces involved, flags uniforms etc, then purchase a copy of 'Fighting for liberty' by Stephen M Carter published in the Century of the Soldier series by Hellion Royal Foot at Sedgemoor painted by Kev Ward
SED1 Musketeers with musket at rest SED 1 A Pikeman, seperate pike
SED2 Mounted cavalry
SED 2a Mounted Militia
SED 2 A Mounted Militia
SED3 Monmouth Scythemen SED4 Monmouth musketeer
SED5 Monmouth pike SED6 Monmouth musketeer firing and advancing Sed 6 Painted as militia
Monmouths infantry
Monmouth cavalry are described as heavily armoured and equipped. Dress is similar to Royal cavalry Use SED2, SED13 and SED24 SED7 Royal foot command, Officers, Sgt, drummers. SED8 Royal musketeer advancing, musket at high port
SED9 Royal musketeer firing SED10 Royal grenadier at ready SED11 Royal pike at ready SED12 Royal mounted command, officer, ensign etc SED13 Royal cavalry (lobster pot) with sword SED14 Royal dragoons with muskets SED15 Highlander assorted Same pose, different weapons SED24 Royalist cavalry command and officer, standard and bugler (lobster pot)
SED24 Royalist cavalry command and officer, standard and bugler (lobster pot)
SED24 Royalist cavalry dragoon (lobster pot)
Covenanter Royal foot and G;asgow Militia by Kev Ward
Covenanter Rebellion 1679 All wearin berets
(Tam o Shanters)
SED16 Lowland rebel/covenanters muskets assorted. In berets (Tam o shanters) Various poses SED16a Lowland rebel/covenanter pike SED17 Lowland/royalist musket at ease
SED25 Lowland Royalist Cavalry
Rebel Covernanters In 1679 a rebbeilion occuried in Lowland Scotland. After years of religious persecution by an authoritarian state who had tried to force religious change on the Scotish people, tension grew and free religion was being convened by covernanters in the open countryside but surrounded by there own armed guards There were two battles, Drumclog was a large skirmish where the Royal dragoons were put to flight. There were also battles within Glasgow when it was occupied by the Covernanters. The second and largest was a battle was at Bothwell bridge near Glasgow where the rebels were eventually defeated by the Royalist goverenment soldiers. The Covernanters spent more time on religious questions than on the outcome of the battle! Flags were used, some old ECW flags in the campaign at skirmishes at Drumclog and Glasgow and at the final battle at Bothwell Bridge where the Covernanter forces were defeated. Strangley, he leader of the English forces was James Scott, The Duke of Monmouth ! Prior to the Covernanter Rebelion but part of it there had been a previous uprising in Lowland Scotland in 1666. A large army of disidents formed and marched on Edinburgh hoping to gain further support. Close to Edinburgh and realising that more recruits were not coming they turned away south and camped for the night at Rullion Green in the Pentland Hills. A Royal advance force of Cavalry which had been pursuing them, caught them there and a battle occuried. The rebels, mainly on foot withstood two charges by the goverment cavalry and only on the third did they break and flee off into the gathering darkness Covenanter Flags from the war of 1679 Flags used by the rebellious Covenanter forces during the rising in lowland Scotland in 1679 against autocratic religious practices Flags were used in the campaign at Drumclog, Glasgow and final battle of Bothwell Bridge English flags will be the same as used by James 11 forces at the Battle of Sedgemoor in 1685 Some of the original flags of this period still exsist in Scotland
Covenanter rebel infantry painted by Kev Ward
SED27 Improvised wagon gun and crew
SED27 Improvised wagon gun and crew SED28 light infantry gun and crew
SED 28A Four wheeled wagon and two horses £3.00
SED 28A Four wheeled wagon and two horses £3.00
Tangiers was a wedding present to Charles 11 from his wife Catherine of Braganza. Trying to hold the port against the Moorish insurgents was a money draining problems. There were many battles between the English Garrison of Tangiers and the Moors. Eventually the garrison withdrew in the night and left the city to the Moors!
SED 29 Royal Infantry in hats at the ready
SED 30 Royal Infantry in lobster pot helmets, ready postion
SED 30A Royal Infantry in lobster pot helmets, standing
SED 30B Royal Infantry in lobster pot helmets, firing
SED 30C Royal Infantry command in lobster pot helmets
SED 31 Tangiers, Spanish lancers in hats
SED 31A Tangiers, Spanish lancers in hats
SED 32 Tangiers, Sailors/civilians in old uniforms on poor quality (Cart) horses as decoys Cavalry
SED 33 Mounted horse Grenadiers with swords
SED 34 Mounted grenadiers with muskets
SED 35 Royal foot in fur caps at ready
For Moorish/Arab enemies use Omani Arabs
For a wealth of information on forces involved, flags uniforms etc, then purchase a copy of 'Fighting for liberty' by Stephen M Carter published in the Century of the Soldier series by Hellion
SED 36 Royal foot Grenadiers firing
Conversions of the exisiting ranges of Sedgemoor figures to produce some of Monmouths uniforms
Monmoths Purple coats 1685. These uniforms were made abroad and brought to England to equipe the invading force and some of the local supporters
SED 37 Purple coat in wooly hat firing
SED 38 Purple coat in wooly hat
SED 39 Purple coat in wooly hat, pikeman
SED 40 Purple coat foot command in helmets
Argyll's Rebellion in 1685
A planned up rising in Scotland between the Government forces and English equipped Highlanders versus Argyll's Loyalists and Highlanders
For a wealth of information on forces involved, flags uniforms etc, then purchase a copy of 'Fighting for liberty' by Stephen M Carter published in the Century of the Soldier series by Hellion
SED 41A/14 Highlander with target shield and firelock/musket (Argyl's)
Can be used for Atholl's government forces or Argyll's loyalists. The tartan would be in different shades depending from which area of Scotland the Highlanders were from SED 41B/14 Highlander with different target shield and firelock/musket (Atholls?)
Can be used for Atholl's government forces or Argyll's loyalists. The tartan would be in different shades depending from which area of Scotland the Highlanders were from
Sed 41 C Highland Bowman
SED 41D Highland bowman
SED 42 Highland pike/spear or open handed with shield
SED 43 Highland foot command
SED 43 Highland foot command SED 43 Highland foot command SED 44a Royal Scots Dragoons, grenadier foot with halberd and firelocks
SED 44b Royal Scots Dragoons, grenadier foot with short pike and firelocks
SED 45 Royal Scots Dragoons, grenadier foot with firelocks and halberd rest
SED 46 Royal Scots Dragoons, grenadier mounted with carbine and half pike on back SED 47 Royal Scots Dragoons, grenadier foot with hand grenades
Sed 48 Scottish Iregular bowman and spearmen
Sed 49 Irish Kerns
Sed 50 Monmouths Purple lifeguards 'v'
Sed 51 Matchlock musketeer.
Sed 52 Monmouths Somerset Clubmen with knob sticks
Sed 53 Monmouths combat bridge carrying crew.
Sed 53 Monmouths bridge carrying crew. Sed 53 Monmouths bridge carrying crew.
Sed 53 Monmouths bridge carrying crew.
Sed 53 Monmouths bridge carrying crew. These persons carried footbridges and parts with them so as to place across the dykes and allow the army to cross. Used successfully at Sedgemoor. Can also be used as villagers and barricade builders
Sed 53A Temporary small dyke bridge (35mm x 20mm) x 2 for £2.50
Sed 53 B Temporary long dyke bridge (70 mm x 20mm) x 1 for £2.50
Sed 54 Gentlmen Volunteers. Sed 55 Militia Musketeer with sword Sed 56 Standing Pikeman
Sed 57 Pack ponys x4 (various)
Sed 58 Halbard man, to use as rebel or Royal infantry Sergeant or Corporal.
Sed 59 Double mounted cavalryman /infantreyman as mentioned at the Battle for Frome x 3 ( 3 horses x 6 riders)
Sed 60 Up to 12 shot machine used in the defence of Bridgeport plus two crew £3.00
Rebel Somerset Marsh stave/staff men which Monmouth marched at the head of into Bridgewater prior to the battle
Sed 61 Rebel white apron banner as flown at Bridgewater and mix of rebels x 8
Sed 62 Rebel stave/staff men, mixed x 8
Sed 63 Rebel axe men x 8
Sed 64 Rebel/ Royal dead x 8
More to come.
Free Flags of what James 11, andMonmouths flags plus Williams111 flags, did and could have looked like.
There is very little information about the flag flown by Monmouths forces. There are a few references to 'Red regiments and Blue Regiments etc and Monmouths flag having 'Fear nothing but God', written on, but little else other than the number of flags being 27 and they were made at Taunton by young ladies at a school The blue flag with three white 'pile wavys', labelled Monmouths blue regiment, but the story is that it was captured during the Sedgemoor campaign and remained in the possesion of the same family until recent years. It may have been a rebel or a royal flag and still exists in a museum The second batch of flags are for the army of James the second, except the yellow flag with three pile wavy which is a conjectional Monmouth colour All flags designed, drawn and coloured by the amazing Kev Ward. More flags to come !
Flags used by the army of William 111, in England in 1688 and against James 11, forces in Ireland 1689 to 1691 Again drawn, designed and coloured by Kev Ward
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