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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.








Freedom Fighters. Dressed in western casual dress. Based on Near East, Iraq and Somalia conflicts but can be used in street, bush conflicts in a variety of countries of Asia, Africa and Europe.  Now (unfortunately) includes North Africa and the Arab (spring) unrisings of 2011 and 2012.  Also now Syria, ISIL offensive and Eastern Europe/Ukraine. Unfortunately, more to follow ?

Modern Infantry dressed in U S type uniforms  figures Can be used for the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, Somalia,  Libya Ukraine etc and any other present or future conflicts

For Postage and Packing Prices see seperate heading POSTAGE AND PACKING

Unless otherwise noted figures are 15mm scale and cost £2.50p per pack of 8 foot or 4 mounted
Our figures are similar in size to Essex and Minifigs

If you have a querry over the figure, ships etc, please do not hesitate to E-mail me



New website is now old website, we're back on Spanglefish with no shopping cart!



I am away on holiday from


To navigate this site, choose the tab on the left that you require (ie 15mm The Ice Age) Press the tab and the page with Ice Age figures and pictures will appear.  Select the figures etc that you require. Send me detail of what you want, the catalogue number, name of item and amount required and I will invoice you with the amount to pay and postage etc. Simple! 

Also, alternatively, if you want to just Email me a full list of what item you require, plus the price together with the amount of  payment and postage,  then pay the full amount and postage to my account at Pay Pal, to  



Postage and Packing

UK and BAOR 10% of order value or minimum of £3.00 postage 

Postage and Packing

UK and BAOR 10% of order value or minimum of £3.00 postage 

( Mail as of 1st Feb 2024 has risen to

£3.00 minimum and may rise again



EU-  30% of order value or minimum of £5.00 postage


USA-Rest of the world  

The price of postage to America has doubled in the past couple of years.  I can not absorb this cost any more.

So mail to America is nowl 30% of order value but a minimum postal rate of £10 

If you have any problems then Email me at



EU-  30% of order value or minimum of £5.00 postage


USA-Rest of the world  

The price of postage to America has doubled in the past couple of years.  I can not absorb this cost any more.

So mail to America is nowl 40% of order value but a minimum postal rate of £15 

If you have any problems then Email me at


Modern Wars

Can be used for Afghanistan, Somalia, Gulf Wars Libya and any other present or future conflicts 
United States

US1 Command (officers/local runners/Sgt/Medic)
US2 Infantry (assorted)
US3 Heavy Weapons/prone firing/casualties
Freedom Fighters. Dressed in western casual dress. Based on Near East, Iraq and Somalia conflicts but can be used in street, bush conflicts in a variety of countries of Asia, Africa and Europe.  Now (unfortunately) includes North Africa and the Arab (spring) unrisings of 2011 and 2012.  Also now Syria, ISIL offensive and Eastern Europe/Ukraine. Unfortunately, more to follow in 2015 ?


Foot figures wearing casual European style clothing of mainly jeans and T shirts

MAF 1 Infantry armed with pistols and
AK s Rifles (assorted)

MAF 2 Heavy Weapons (RPG7/LMG etc), woundes and crawling/prone


MAF 3 Traditional Arabs dressed irregulars 
with AK 47s AND RPG7s

Useful if you want an unarmed mob !!
MAF 4  Unarmed stone throwers x8
MAF 5  Unarmed flag and placard bearers x6
MAF 6  Heavily armed Riot Swat Police with guns 
MAF 7  Riot Police in long shields
MAF 8  Riot Police with round shields
MAF 9  Militia/Mob in builders helmets with clubs or guns
MAF10 Lightly armed Military with SMGs etc
MAF11 Large rubber dingy, ouboard and 4 crew £2.25 (insurgents / pirates)




15mm Accessories at £2.50

ASS1 Large barrels x4
ASS2 Markers assorted pack of 6 with swords
                 axes etc on a grass type base
ASS3 Mules with pannier loads x4
ASS4 Sheepx6                                                                                
ASS5 Horse with load & spears etc x4
ASS6 Wild un-harnessed horses x4
ASS7 Cattle x4
ASS8 Shell craters x4
ASS9 Broken pieces of wall 

ASS10  Uneven Stone wall sections x3
ASS11  2 wheel Cart with 2 oxen
ASS12  4 wheeled wagon with 2 horses  £3.00

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