To navigate this site, choose the tab on the left that you require (ie 15mm The Ice Age) Press the tab and the page with Ice Age figures and pictures will appear. Select the figures etc that you require and either send me an Email with the item you require on and I will send you the price plus postage or work out how much the amont is going to be, add the postage on as well and then Email me with your list and pay the full amont to Pay Pal at this mail address at mickyarrowminiatures@yahoo.co.uk.
If you have any problems then Email me at royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk
Mick Yarrow Miniatures (M Y Miniatures)
7 St Peters Lane
East Yorkshire
DN14 7UA
Tel/fax (01430) 431009
Email us at: royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk
Postage and Packing
Postage and Packing
UK and BAOR 10% of order value or
minimum of £3.00 postage
( Mail as of 1st Feb 2024 has risen to
£3.00 minimum and may rise again
EU- 30% of order value or minimum of £5.00 postage
USA-Rest of the world
The price of postage to America has
doubled in the past couple of years. I
can not absorb this cost any more.
So mail to America is now 30% of
order value but a minimum postal rate
of £10
If you have any problems then Email
me at royalistmymins@yahoo.co.uk
Unless otherwise noted figures are 15mm scale and cost £2.50p per pack of 8 foot or 4 mounted
25mm figures are at 1.00p unless marked differently
Our figures are similar in size to Essex and Minifigs
Ships are at various prices depending on scale
All prices are in UK pounds. Payable by Pay Pal, cash or cheque (in UK pounds sterling) drawn on a UK bank and made payable to: M. Yarrow
Payment can also be made via Pay Pal. E-mail with the items required and I will reply with the price plus postage and the Pay Pal account to pay into
Email with details of order plus postage and pay directly into my Pay Pal account at
Sorry we do not accept Debit or Credit cards
We pride ourselves on the speed of turnaround of order. Ussually despatched the following day to receiving
Please note
I normally send packages out by first class mail. If you would like to pay extra and have your package to be sent by 'signed for' or if a large expensive package, 'insured', or some other form of postage, then please indicte when ordering. When I post a package I receive a 'proof of posting 'receipt and as a result I can not be held responsible for packages that get lost (very occasionally) in the post
If you have a querry over the figure, ships etc, please do not hesitate to E-mail me

Cheap Plastic kits, super detailed if you try. By Roy Steel

1-4800 Scale Ships, Vittorio Vento and Richelieu

13000 Scale ships 'Roma and HMS Nelson

15mm Ice Age range Mammoth Ice Age creatures

15mm Ancients Egyptians 15mm Minaon chariot

15mm Sedgemoor and WW2 Germans Naval

25 mm Napoleonics and 25mm Dark Age

1-1200 Dreadnought 28mm Robin Hood

15mm Fantasy range 6mm Sci Fi range
1/3000 ship HMS Nelson
1-3000 warship2 x Escort Carriers | 15mm Early EgyptiansA war party of Pre Dynastic Egyptians |
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