deerhair frogs
I'm going crazy again as i do from time to time frogs this time (thanks for the idea Mr capsey now see what you've done) i wanted a frog that was going to have a great profile from underneath you know we've all seen frogs sitting on the water legs spread , well that's what i was after something that i could chuck out and let sit before a little tweak now and again to give the illusion of being alive so below is how it went
OK legs prepared on wire stems ready to be attached
back legs attached just in front of one set of spun hair and more hair in front of that
major amounts of deer hair are then added to form the body
pulling it all tight and watching it flair up
the front legs go in and more hair is added getting there (the legs are in solid and wont move)
time to get trimming
under belly view the bit that matters as this is what the fish will see when its looking up
top view (i may change the eye colour though )