blending fibers
blending fibers opens up a whole new world of custom colours for your flies play around ,experiment and see what you can come up with , there is other ways of blending , this is just the way i do it and it works for me ...............enjoy and have a try
material gliss and glint and gliss and glint plus
available from
choose your colours
(i only do enough at a time for one fly if I'm doing dozens of flies ill just blend the whole packs) lay the 2 clumps next to each other , if you want more of one colour the lessen the amount of the other colour
spread out one colour as above
spread out the second colour over the first
pinch the clump between fore finger and thumb
what you need to do is roll the fiber between your fingers as above then keep rolling it and you will get a really nice mix (it may take a few Min's to do this) here is the blended fibre after a few Min's rolling if i want more spread of colours ill continue blending between my fingers till i get the right spread