Zulu Dawn!
I have painted up both a British Colonial army and Zulu Army in 10mm.
For rules I am using the DBN add on Colonial rules which work well.
Zulu campaign 1879
British Commander = Lord Chelmsford
Zulu Commander = Cetshwayo
Aim is for Lord Chelmsford to capture Ulundi, Cetshwayo’s Royal Village.
Line of March. Base, Greytown, on to Middle Drift, Isandlwana, and then Ulundi.
First Battle = Middle Drift
Zulu win
Zulu losses were very light where as over 50% of the British force was lost.
British fell back towards Greytown.
The British rush reinforcements from Greytown to bolster the British force.
If the British lose here there whole invasion is in tatters and Natal open to Zulu invasion.
Second Battle Greytown.
British Win
A valiant action by the British at the small Umvoti creek stalled the Zulu Impi advance. A cavalry attack led by Lord Chelmsford secured the day.
After mustering further reinforcements Chelmsford renewed his advance. This time heading North East to a crossing on the Buffalo river, heading towards Isandlwana.
Zulu losses, mainly inflicted by the well placed Maxim Gun and steady shooting by the British infantry forced Cetshwayo to fall back past Middle Drift to regroup.
British losses were light but did include a Battalion of Guards.
Third Battle Buffalo River
British Win
Once again British fire power won the day, with heroic action by the Cavalry and skirmishers. Lord Chelmsford had safe passage across the Buffalo.
Cetshwayo withdrew to Isandlwana.
Fourth Battle Isandlwana.
British Win
British losses were again light and firepower won the day. Cetshwayo fell back to his Royal village Ulundi. The invasion has left him depleted of good warriors and he seemed unable to gain a great victory such as he did at Middle Drift.
Will he sue for peace?
Lord Chelmsford receives a message from Cetshwayo requesting a cessation of hostilities.
Lord Chelmsford agrees if Cetshwayo keeps to the east of the White Umfolozi river.
Reluctantly Cetshwayo agrees. An uneasy peace is entered into.
But for how long?