English Civil War Wargame Rules
A copy of or knowledge of DBA rules by Phil Barker is need to use these rules
These are a simple, fast play yet I feel realistic set of rules for fighting English Civil War battles.
I unashamedly admit they are adapted from DBA-RRR by Tony Aquilia and ideas taken from DBN.
Ranges and movement distances are for my 25mm ECW collection but can of course be adapted for other scales. I have used these rules for my 2mm collection!
An army consists of 10 elements, plus a Commanding general figure and two wing comanders.
The first army to lose 4 elements loses the battle. Command elements do no count toward that total.
The size of figure bases is not important as long as they are uniform. Number of figures to a base are your preference, depending on space and figure availability.
I have not done "Army Lists and composition is your choice. However here is my make up.
Royalist: 4 x Foot Regiments/Brigades. 3 x Mounted Regiments (one of which may be Galloper the rest Cavalry). 1 x Dragoon Regiment. 1 x Forlone Hope (Skirmisher) detachment OR 1 x Commanded Shot unit. 1 x Artillery Unit. 1 x Commanding General. 2 x Wing Commanders.
Parliament: 4 x Foot Regiments/Brigades. 3 x Mounted Regiments (One of which may be Pistols OR Lobsters). 1 x Dragoon Regiment. 1 x Forlorne Hope (Skirmisher) detachment OR 1 x Commanded shot unit. 1 x Artillery unit. 1 x Commanding General. 2 x Wing Commanders.
Move and range distances are in inches
Infantry Brigades, Dragoons and Skirmishers range = 4"
Artillery range = 16"
Mounted arms used their pistols in close quarter combat so are factored into mele combat
General and Wing Commanders cannot initiate combat or shoot
They can join any unit except artillery
They exert a 12" command radius
One commander can be moved in a turn free of CP. Any other commanders moved cost 1 CP
Any commander can join any unit except Artillery in the players turn. Upon joining he can remove 1 hit marker if desired, as long as the unit is left with 1 hit marker.
If a unit a commander is attached to recieves a hit marker the commander may choose to prevent it. Roll a D10 1 to 7 Commander is succesfull, 8 he fails 9 & 0 He fails and commander is removed as a casualty.
At the start of a Turn a commander can use a CP to remove 1 hit marker from a unit he is attached to. Once a unit has recieved hit markers it will always have 1 hit marker for the rest of the battle. Commander/General can only remove 1 Hit marker at a time.
If a unit a commander is attached to is destroyed the comander rolls a D6. 1,2,3 he is a casualty. 4,5,6 He escapes and flees full move distance to his immediate rear.
Good Going Bad going V Foot V Mounted
Inf Brigade 4" 2" 4 3
Dragoons 8" 4" 3 2
Skirmishers 6" 6" 2 2
Commanded Shot 4" 2" 3 3
Cavalry 8" 4" 3 3
Gallopers 6" 3" 3 4
Pistols 6" 3" 4 4
Lobsters 5" 3" 4 5
Artillery 2" - 4 4
Close Combat 2 2
Generals/Comanders 10" 5" 2 2
Target behind linear cover Walls/Hedges - 1
Target defending Built Up Area -3
Target situated at the edge of a wood -1
Shooting or shot at with General/commander attached + 1
2 Hit Markers - 1
Veteran Unit + 1
Raw Unit - 1
All except skirmishers and dragoons in close combat in bad going -2
Defending up hill + 1
Defending hedge/wall +1
Defending BUA + 2
Each unit overlapping -1
Each unit flanking - 1
Unit attacking rear - 2
Inf Brigade in stand of pikes versus Mounted + 1
Unit with general/commander attached + 1
2 Hit markers - 1
Veteran unit + 1
Raw unit - 1
Total is less then that of enemy but more than half
Inf Brigade recoil take 1 hit marker
Commanded Shot If contacted by mounted 2 hit markers and recoil otherwise 1 hit marker and recoil
Pistol 2 hit markers and recoil if facing gallopers, otherwise 1 hit marker and recoil
Cavalry 1 hit marker and flee in bad going otherwise recoil take 1 hit marker and recoil
Dragoons take 2 hit markers and flee if in contact with Gallopers or pistols otherwise recoil take 1 hit marker
Skirmisher versus mounted flee take 2 hit markers all others recoil take 1 hit marker
Artillery take 1 hit marker if in close combat take 2 hit markers
Commanders versus mounted flee take 2 hit markers all others recoil take 1 hit marker
If total is half or less than that of the enemy
Skirmishers take 2 hit markers and flee
Dragoons take 2 hit markers and Flee
All others take 2 hit markers and recoild
If attacked by any mounted unit an Infantry brigade can try to form a Stand of Pikes. Roll D6 1,2,3, = Fails to do so 4,5,6, = Success
+1 if Veteran unit and or has a general or commander attached
- 1 if a Raw unit.
Infantry Brigades must remain in stand of pikes whilst in combat with mounted. To come out of a stand of pikes the brigade can do so for the expenditure of 1 CP. Unit can then move normally for half its move distance.
CP or Command Points
At the start of his turn the player rolls a D6. This indicates the number of CP he has that turn. It takes 1 CP to move a unit. 2 CP to move if the unit is out side the command distance of 12" the general or commanders. Command distance is 12" reduced to 6" if line of sight is blocked.
CP can also be spent by a commander if he is in contact with a unit and wishes to remove 1 hit marker.
Hit markers are attached to a unit through combat results. When a unit accumulates 3 hit markers it is considered to no longer be an effective unit and is removed from the game. Hit markers can be shown by using counters or ideally casualty figures.
Commanders/General can remove hit markers as described earlier. However once a unit has been awarded hit markers it can never drop below 1 Hit marker.
The Hit marker rule is designed to reflect the wearing down of units in combat until they become ineffective and rout or slip away.
Before each battle each player rolls a D6 1,2, = 1 unit is Raw 3,4 = 1 unit is veteran 5,6 = 1 unit is Raw and 1 unit is Veteran. Which units are affected is deceided randomly. Artillery are never Raw or Veteran.