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Alfred and the Danes

Lockdown......still.......So time for another solo DBA 3.0 battle.

This time Alfred facing the Danes'

The field of battle had a small hamlet on the viking right flank. Two area's of plough to their front and a wood on the Saxon right flank.

The first pip role was not 1 so the plough in the centre was not going to cause problems.

The Vikings surged forwar and were meet by the Saxon Blades and the Select Fryd, early successes forced the fryd back. 

An element of Saxon Huscurls fell weakening the Saxon line, the Vikings exploited this. The Saxons were slow bringing in their reserves and although removing an element of the Viking Hird three units of Saxon fryd fell leaving the Vikings the victors. 

I played the Saxon's. You probably had guessed that already as the Saxon's lost!

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