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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
When an expectation rises before one's mind greatness is the boundary, anything else is just not good enough!
01 July 2008
 St. Louis Cardinals New York Mets 1
A scintillating rendition on the mound by E.Chavez gave St. Louis Cardinals their 48 wins of the season last night when they defeated the New York Mets 7 runs to 1 at their nest. The definitions of "from a boat and jumping into the water, rat, sinking ship, capitulation and all that jazz" crossed the inner thinking of many neutrals in St. Louis last night after the Mets' defeat, but it is fair to say that when the level of expectation rises the demands on a team increase but a certain amount of confidence seems to be leaking through the Mets' defence at the present time and I think it is something that ought to be addressed sooner rather than late. Greatness is the destination, anything else less than that is just not good enough. 
P. Figueras
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"Ay mi amigo, mi aflicción no tiene medida, porque la calumnia me ahoga como aquellas serpientes de Lacoonte"
Simon Bolivar
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