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Learning Italian!

Cosi vuoi parlare italiano? - Do you want to speak Italian, then? - Quieres hablar italiano, entonces?
Common Phrases and Greetings
Benvenuto/a Bienvenido/a! - Welcome! 
 Benvenuti Bienvenidos/as - Welcome!
Breaking the barriers in italy will be very easy now with this Self-Help Reference.
I promise you that you will find Italian a very easy  language to learnItaliano es una lengua muy facil de aprender.
Note: This Self-Help Reference is aimed at speakers of both, English and Spanish languages. However, you don't have to be a native English or Spanish speaker to benefit from its content.

Let's get started

Ciao! Hello! -  Hola!
Ciao! - Hi!  -  Hola!
Hello! - Salve! - Hola!
Come sta? - How are things? - Como estan las cosas?
Pronto! Qui parla? - Hello! Who is it? Alo! Quien Habla?
Buon giorno, Signore! - Good morning, sir!  -  Buenos dias!
Buon giorno! - Good day! - Buenos dias!
Buona sera! - Good afternoon! -  Buenas tardes!
Buona sera! - Good evening!   -  Buenas noches! 
Buona notte! - Good night!   -  Buenas noches!
Arrivederci! - Good-bye!  -   Adios!
A presto! - See you later!      -  Hasta luego!
Ciao! - Catch you later on! - Ciao
A presto! See you soon!   -  Hasta luego! - Hasta la vista!  
Ciao! - So long!  - Hasta luego!
A presto! - See you soon! - Hasta luego!

Ciao! - Catch you later! - Ciao/hasta pronto!
See you later on! - A piu tardi! - Hasta luego!

A presto! - See you later on! - Nos vemos mas tarde, eh!

Ciao! - See you around, dude! -  Nos vemos, macho!
Ciao, come va? - Hi! How are things going? - Hola! Que tal?
Arrivederci! - Goodbye. See you soon! - Adios - Hasta luego!
Grazie, ciò sarà molto utile! Thank you, that will be most useful! - Gracias, me ayudara mucho!. 
See you later = A più tardi! - Arrivederci! - Hasta luego!
See you tomorrow = A domani! - Hasta manana! 
See you soon = A più tardi! Arrivederci!  
Buon giorno = Good morning! - Buenos dias! 
Buona sera  = Good evening! - Buenas tardes o Buenas noches! 
Buona notte  = Good night! - Buenas noches!
Salve = Hi! - Hola! Saludos!
Arrivederci = See you later on! - Hasta luego!
Ci vediamo piu' tardi = See you later on! - Nos vemos mas tardes! Hasta luego!
A presto = See you later! Hasta luego!
Arrivederci = See you later! - Hasta luego!
Ci vidiamo dopo = See you after! - Hasta luego!
A dopo = See you after = Te veo luego!
Presto o tardi = Sooner or later! - Tarde o temprano!
Prima o poi = now or later - See you later! - Hasta luego!
You are very welcome! - Prego! - De nada!
Scusi! - Excuse me/sorry! - Perdon! excuse me!
Prego! - Not at all/you are very welcome/don't mention it! pardon! - De nada! Perdon/como/que?
It does not matter! - Non importa! - No importa!
Signor/a! - Mr/Mrs! - Señor/a!
Signore! - Gentleman/Sir! - Caballero/Señor!
Signorina! - Miss/wench/young woman! - Señorita!
Excuse me! - Permesso! - Disculpe Usted! Permiso!
Excuse me! - Mi scusi! - Disculpe!

Buon giorno signore! Come sta? - Good morning, sir! How are you sir? - Buenos dias señor! Como esta usted?
Non troppo bene! - Not very well, I'm afraid! - No muy bien!
Come sta? - How are you?     - Como estas! / Que tal?  Como te va?
Sto bene, grazie!/molto bene/non troppo bene/non c'e male! Et Lei? -  I am very well, thank you!/not too bad!. And you?  -  Muy bien, gracias! No mal! Y tu/usted?
Va bene! That's all right/Okay!
Come si chiama Lei? - What is your name?  - Como te llamas?  - Cual es tu nombre?
Mi chiamo Pedro! Sono Pedro - My name is Pedro!   -  Me llamo Pedro!
E come si chiama Lei ? - And You, what is your name?  -  Y tu/usted, como te/se llama?
Mi chiamo Sara! My name is Sara!     -  Me llamo Sara!
Lieto di fare la sua conoscenza! - It is nice to meet you! -  Encantado/a de conocerte/le/la!
Piacere di fare la sua conocescenza! - How do you do? - Encantado/a de conocerte/le/la!
Piacere di fare la sua conocescenza! - It is a pleasure to meet you! - Mucho gusto. Encantado/a! 
Un momento, per favore! - Just a minute, please! - Un momento, por favor!
Come? - What did you say? -Como? Que dice?
Parla Spagnolo? Do you speak Spanish? - Habla ud. Español?
No, mi dispiace ma non parlo Spagnolo! Parlo soltanto inglese! - I am sorry but I don't speak Spanish! I can only speak English! - Lo siento pero no hablo español! Solo hablo ingles!
Non parlo Spagnolo! - Sorry, no, I don't speak Spanish - Lo siento, no hablo Español.
Parla inglese? -  Do you speak English?  - Habla/s usted/tu Ingles?
Non parlo Inglese! - No, I don't speak English! - No hablo Ingles!
I understand a little! - Parlo un po'! - Hablo un poco!
Capisce? - Do you understand? - Comprende? Entiende?
Non capisco! - I don't understand!  -  No entiendo!
Capisco! - I understand! - Comprendo! Entiendo!
Vuoi ripeterlo, per favore? - Can you repeat that again, please? - Puede repetir eso otra vez, por favor? 
Parle piu piano, per favore!/Parli piu lemtamente! - Please speak more slowly! - Hable mas despacio, por favor!
Me lo scriva, per favore! - Please write that down for me! - Escribamelo, por favor!  
Mi dispiace! - I am sorry! - Lo siento
Sono inglese! - I am English! Soy Ingles!
Vero? - Really? - Verdad?/Cierto? 
D'accordo! - Agreed! - De acuerdo! Bene! - Fine! Vale!
Molte grazie! - Thank you very much! - Muchas gracias! 
Ha ragione! You are right! - Tienes razon! Che cosa c'e? - What is the matter? - Que pasa?
Ho fatto uno sbalio! - I made a mistake! - He cometido un error!
E uno sbalio! It is a mistake! - Es un error!
Cosa significa? - What does that mean? - Que quiere decir eso?
Que cosa e questo? - What is this? - Que es esto?
Parle piu piano, per favore! - Please speak more slowly! - Hable mas despacio, por favor!
Non poteva essere più chiaro! - It couldn't be any clearer! -  No puede ser mas claro!
Me lo scriva, per favore! - Please write it down for me, please! - Escribamelo, por favor!  
Sono inglese! - I am English! Soy Ingles!
Vero? - Really? - Verdad?/Cierto? 
D'accordo! - Agreed! - De acuerdo! Bene! - Fine! Vale!
Of course! - Certamente! - Claro!
Ha ragione! You are right! - Tienes razon! Che cosa c'e? - What is the matter? - Que pasa?
Ho fatto uno sbalio! - I made a mistake! - He cometido un error!
E uno sbalio! It is a mistake! - Es un error!
Cosa significa? - What does that mean? - Que quiere decir eso?
Io direi "la luce dei miei occhi" - I would say " the apple of my eye" - Diria la luz de mis ojos!
Que cosa e questo? - What is this? - Que es esto?
Que cosa e quello? - What is that? - Que es eso? 
What? - Chi cosa? - Que?
Che ora e? - What time is it? - Que hora es?
 A che ora? - At what time? - A que hora?
Ho fretta! - I am in a hurry! - Tengo prisa!
Quanto? - How much? - Cuanto?
Quanti? - How much? - Cuantos?
Ogni quanto tempo? - How often? - Cada cuanto tiempo?
Quanto tempo ci vorra? - How long will it take? - Cuanto tiempo se toma/mete?
Dov'e? - Where is it? - Donde esta?
 Eccolo/eccoti! - Here it is! - Aqui esta! 
Come si dice " Let's dance! in italiano? - How do you say " Let us dance" in Italian? - Como uno dice " Let us dance" en italiano?
Que cosa e quello? - What is that? - Que es eso? 
Mi dici la frase in spagnolo, per favore?  - Can you say this in Spanish, please? - Dilo en español, por favor? 
Che ora e? - What time is it? - Que hora es?
 A che ora? - At what time? - A que hora?
Quanto? - How much? - Cuanto?
Quanti? - How much? - Cuantos?
Ogni quanto tempo? - How often? - Cada cuanto tiempo?
Quanto tempo ci vorra? - How long will it take? - Cuanto tiempo se toma/mete?
Dov'e? - Where is it? - Donde esta?
Dov'e la toletta? -Where is the toilet? - Donde estan los servicios? Donde esta el baño?
 Eccolo/eccoti! - Here it is! - Aqui esta! 
Come si dice " Let's dance! in italiano? - How do you say " Let us dance" in Italian? - Como uno dice " Let us dance" en italiano?
Spero ti sia d'aiuto! - I hope it help you! Espero que te ayude!
Parla Spagnolo? Do you speak Spanish? - Habla ud. Español?
Non parlo Spagnolo! - Sorry, no, I don't speak Spanish - Lo siento, no hablo Español.
Parla inglese? -  Do you speak English?  - Habla/s usted/tu Ingles?
Non parlo Inglese! - No, I don't speak English! - No hablo Ingles! Capisce? - Do you understand? - Comprende? Entiende?
Non capisco! - I don't understand!  -  No entiendo!
Capisco! - I understand! - Comprendo! Entiendo!
Questa purtroppo non ha senso in italiano! - It doesn't make much sense in Italian! - No tiene sentido en Italiano!
Vuoi ripeterlo, per favore? - Can you repeat that again, please? - Puede repetir eso otra vez, por favor? 
Ho bisogno di qualcosa da bere! - I need something to drink! - Quiero beber algo! 
Voglio una birra! - I want a beer! - Quiero una cerveza!
Voglio une tazza di caffe, per favore! - I would like a cup of coffee, please! Quiero una taza de cafe, por favor!
Ci piace molto abitare qui a londra! - We very much like living here in London! - Me gusta mucho vivir en Londres!
Ma finiscila! - Stop that! - Para eso! 
Mi scusi, puo dirmi per favore dov'e Croydon!
Possiamo entrare? - Can we go in? - Podemos entrar?
E pericoloso nuotare qui! - It is very dangerous to swim here! - Es muy peligroso nadar aqui!   

Parla Italiano? - Non mai Io sto imparando l'italiano abbastanza! - No, but I am learning quite a lot italian! -  No, pero estoy aprendiendo mucho italiano! 

Ciao amico! - See later my friend! - Hasta luego amigo!
Chi e la signora che parle spagnolo? - Who is that lady who speaks Spanish? Quien es esa señora que habla español?
Mi moglie Sally! - My wife! - Mi mujer! 
Piacere signora! _ Please to meet you madame! - Un placer de conocerla señora!
Voglio une tazza di caffe, per favore! - I would like a cup of coffee, please! Quiero una taza de cafe, por favor!
Pagherei il conto, ma non ho soldi! - I would pay the bill but I have no money! - Pagaria la cuenta pero no tengo un duro/dinero!
Mi dispiace ma devo andare via! - I am sorry but I must go/leave now! - Lo siento pero debo marcharme! 
Adesso! - Now! - Ahora!
Ciao et grazie per l'altra sera! - Hello and thanks for last night! It was wonderful! - Hola y gracias por la noche pasada! Fue una noche encantadora!
Ciao Sally! -  Hi sally! - Hola Sally!
Quest'anno ha fatto mal tempo! - This year the weather has been abysmal! - Este año el tiempo ha sido barbaro!  
Lunedi! - Monday! - Lunes!
Martedi! - Tuesday! - Martes!
Mercoledi! - Wednesday! -  Miercoles! 
Giovedi! - Thursday! - Jueves!
Venerdi! - Friday! - Viernes!
Sabato! - Saturday! - Sabado!
Domenica! - Sunday! - Domingo!  


It took me ten times nine days or 90 days to write and speak the language reasonably well - Me tomo tres meses aprender a escribir y hablar la lengua. 
I dare say that I had my share of frustration while I was learning English and I have no objection to admitting it openly but I never gave up my quest for mastering the language. Need I tell you more? Yes, perhaps much more than what I have already said. Just lend me your ears and I tell you how this came about. Needless to say that I admire your commitment to learn a foreign language by venturing alone perhaps with pretence to be a wiseacre, but that's is good as it is commendable in my book since one needs to be audacious in the face of the not known for one never knows the size of a task until one has weighed it carefully and considered the potential pitfalls of it. Nonetheless a quest is indeed the desire to obtain something by means of effort and it is expected of you to put some sort of endeavour into gaining skills and knowledge through discovering, studying and practising a subject. It must be said that 90 days is certainly very little time to learn a foreign language but in my experience the more I concentrated on hearing and reading Italian the more I was able to grasp the language which enabled me to make myself understood within ten times nine days.  Nevertheless, commitment, dedication, time, resources, research and support are essential elements in achieving one's goals in life - Quien quiere puede.  Concentration y atencion a los medios de comunicacion, al habla y a la lectura de la lengua fueron mis armas. 
Indeed, there is wisdom in taking an interest in what is going on in the world and I am delighted to offer a breath of fresh air to the spanish and english speaking world, and whoever else who wishes to make use of my Self-Help Reference for learners of Italian as a foreign language, in this open window of learning. Absolutely, I care for the world and its social issues and I think that it would be selfish if I were to say that they had nothing to do with me just simply because they do not affect me; on the contrary, I think we should always help when there is a problem in the world and give the world's misery a well-needed touch of guidance. Certainly not, an idea does not necessarily belongs to the person who conceive it but to the one who implements it and at a time when the world is blighted by a not cool to be clever attitude with a growing number of children failing to meet the academic requirement needed to be socially successful the need for stressing the moral values prescribed by society has never been so weighty. Nevertheless, it must be said that Figueras Baseball Academy with its baseball guidance is doing its utmost by giving its all to help the world and its social issues by promoting its principles of universal paticipation to everyone, but it is not all about connecting to people's passion for the game alone we are concerned with, it is about bringing together everyone, young and old, under the same umbrella.
Get on board!
Animate! Dime que piensas de esta pagina, eh!  Ciao!
Pedro Figueras

Vuoi imparare questa lingua?
Si lo faro ma per il momento il mio italiano è perfetto!
Ho trovato Figueras Baseball Academy molto interessante. Complimenti per il vostro lavoro! era da molto che cercavo un sito cosa come questo grazie! Un abbaccio.
I think Figueras Baseball Academy is a very fine and wonderful website since it gives one the opportunity to explore the beautiful language of Italy and all the rest free of charge to the visitor. Keep up the good work.  
Cordiali Saluti
Ho trovato questo sito molto interessante.
Jose Luis
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