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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
A good coach will always have his players' best interest at heart!
24 March 2008
It is absolutely necessary to rise to one's expectations time & time again.
It must be said that the road that takes people to the top of their choosing careers is very often long and winding. Indeed, it is not that easy to hit a homer off a 95 miles per hour pitch in just one visit to the home plate, you know, but the desire for success demands that one has an impressive ability to put up with the sort of thing that others simply could not cope with and work hard, of course, for what one wishes to achieve. But one must be able to listen to hear and do the things that need to be heard and done, and, of course, one needs to make sense of what one hears too. I have been in baseball long enough to realise that in order to pursue an ambition one must abandon the flat land of conformity and ignore physical pain and mental suffering especially when there might be a life-changing chance to reach for a dream and make it in the Majors. Indubitably, on the way to the apogee, one would find the going tough and, certainly, one would exhaust oneself and, as it is often the case, one would have good enough reasons to be tired but one must enlist one's natural resilience and be committed to one's dreams in order to reach the acme. Nevertheless, one must be conscious of the fact that sometimes a powerful urge to pursue an ambition could lead to one to forget the risk of disappointment and all the rest; therefore, one must not take things for granted, the more so because the higher one climbs, the further one has to fall. Having said that, one must be prepared to rise constantly to one's expectations by learning from one's aberrations if one wishes to achieve one's full potential.
"A nadie de debe forzar a obrar contra su conciencia y las leyes".
Simon Bolivar
"Las libertades y la defensa a los derechos humanos deben ser inviolables. Sin embargo, estos se ven aun constantemente amenazados y a la boca del cañón en muchos lugares del mundo. Que hacer? Que hacer? Y que hacer cuando estos son reprimidos?"
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