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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
No Hitter!
16 September 2015


The glorious “Zurdo” Ochoa!

Almost 44 years after pitching his first no hitter against Team Miranda for Team Aragua in–Maturin – Monagas - Venezuela – on 20th September 1971- at the age of 15, the glorious “Zurdo” Ochoa’s spirited performance remains a symbol of tenacity and courage on the pitching mound and in the game of baseball as a whole!

Indeed, Ochoa’s epic was the result of a superb act of discipline and will power which gained him the admiration of Zeus and his fellow players. It has been said that Zeus, the most celestial being in the wide blue sky stood by the open window of the universe that night, and sat amidst the stars and the dark clouds, to watch Ochoa’s excellent work on the mound.

There was a meeting of mind between the catcher and Ochoa with every pitch, as he made the ball moved in curved arches and far away from the reach of the batters. A state of anxiety set in Team Miranda’s batters as Ochoa’s series of hurling was clearly gnawing away their confidence and punishing them as batter after batter fell in the dust and bit the earth ingloriously. 

It seems that every eye was on Ochoa that night and the end of it all everyone was on their feet after such a brilliant performance which stretched incredulity to the utmost and placed him among the greats of the game of baseball. 

It certainly was his most accomplished rendition to date so much so that Zeus lightened the blue sky with a broad smile after witnessing Ochoa’s unprecedented and matchless delivering.


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