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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
There is no time to look back and bewail past losses since the Rockies need to start engineering their own success right now.
28 October 2007
Game 3
"La educación literal y civil de la juventud es uno de los primeros y más paternales cuidados del Gobierno".
Simon Bolivar.
Rockies failed to ignite the Denver's sky last night in Game 3 of the 2007 Major League Baseball World Series.
The Boston Red Sox are within a victory of running away with the more covetous prize in Baseball after defeating the Colorado Rockies 10 runs to 5 at Coors Field last night . The Rockies' fans are still confident, however, that their team will rise above their current defeatism and win the remaining four games of the 2007 Major League Baseball World Series. I truly admire their optimism but being optimistic in what one may be tempted to call the faithful sense could only be a tendency to take the most hopeful view since the Rockies' predicament does not offer any other alternative but to win four games in succession. Indeed, if there were to be a comeback the Rockies would have to work really hard and passionately to orchestrate one. Certainly it is a lot to ask but under the circumstances the Rockies have no option but to have a really go at it since anything could happen and more often than not anything always happen in these sort of finals.
Pedro Figueras
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