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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
2007 Major League Baseball World Series.
26 October 2007
Game 2
"La educación literal y civil de la juventud es uno de los primeros y más paternales cuidados del Gobierno".
Simon Bolivar.
The Boston Red sox have gone 2-0 in the best of 7 games in the 2007 Major League Baseball World Series when they defeated, again, last night, at their place, the Colorado Rockies by Two runs to one. Indeed, it has become an inauspicious time for all those  who are still nourishing the hope of seeing the Rockies being crowned 2007 Major League Baseball World Champions. Nevertheless, a seemingly lost cause may still deserve support and certainly that support will never be wasted if the Rockies have the resilience to bounce back from the sort of challenges that set others teams back. However, they need to toughen up if they are to achieve their full potential and their tools of thinking must come out sooner than later since no one would tell them how to utilise what they have got to their best advantage at the right time. I just don't understand what all the fuss is all about but it is utterly absurd to think that a Rockies' comeback is not possible since in no sense is the series over. 
Pedro Figueras
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