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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
One's positive attitude is one's greatest asset!
01 March 2012
Why don't we just celebrate our differences and build a new world based on the strength of those differences?

Sometimes I imagine the world being out of conflicts where people from all backgrounds being treated as equal and where everyone is welcomed to participate.  Indeed, the world is what it is because of everyone's contribution to its development and I firmly believe that together we can do far more than being separated by the fences of our differences.  Certainly, it is no longer a colour or ethnic issue as homophobia and emigration have moved up the list of intolerance. Albeit, there are many lightweight views about integration from all sides I see sunny spells ahead and eventually the world as a whole will see a reason for celebrating its differences and profit from them. I am very serious about what I wish the world were and I will endeavour to do my very best to gather support for my enterprise and reach those who are not yet escaped the woes of a troubled world. 
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