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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Absolutely, in every way, the wife, she is far more than a legal trace of pleasure or penitence, mouth, skirt, blouse and trousers, albeit, at times, she could be vaguely wrong and yet she might think that she is precisely right!
08 December 2011

"De la paz se debe esperar todos los bienes y de la guerra nada más que desastres".
Simon Bolivar

My wife wears the trousers at home!
A great deal has been voiced and printed about women’s emancipation, rights, equal opportunities and all that jazz. However, I have not yet heard a man admitting that his wife wears the trousers at home. indeed, it is crucial to keep the wolves at bay without failing to see people as individuals since I would be a sinner if I were to stereotype the women species. Certainly, I am fully aware that I could be the first man to admit such a feast  but for all that I have to say that I am still a happily married man and I would not dream of treating my wife as a doormat for she would never be voluntarily subject to such a treatment. Still, under no circumstances would I consider to force the acceptance of my will over hers or place unreasonable demand on another human being since it is just not cricket. Indeed, nature has gifted me with the main components that make me a tolerant, loving and caring person and certainly, I am most aware of the importance of women in society and their role as homemakers, child-bearers and bread-winners, in many instances, since these elements are part of the basic unit of society, which defines the concept of family. Indeed, I am indebted to my wife for being so tolerant and understanding when the going gets tough and things are not what they ought to be but above all I am very grateful to her for being my wife and the mother of my child.
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