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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
At the heart of the games, there must be inspiration to inspire everyone!
25 November 2011
"A disappointment never held me back - au contraire - It made me even more determined to just get on with things to reach my goal"
Dear All, let your creativity flow,
It is fine to have a dream but when one is trying to build a kingdom, one does not build one's castles in the air since buildings of that sort need to be fortified and well rooted into the earth in order to make them more stable. This is the reason for my believing that a good education is the most important start in life anyone can have. The need to be prepared to face the ups and downs of good and bad luck in life and succeed in today's world is of paramount importance and it is my personal belief that everyone regardless of race, skin colour or creed must be given the opportunity to develop their natural ability to gain skills in order to achieve their maximum potential so that they can make a positive contribution to society as a whole. The wild bare-backed illiteracy which once ran untameable for so long has now been conquered entirely in my homeland by the present administration but penned in it must be kept, at all time, or its controlling could prove to be a mare's nest. Indeed, a more open-minded attitude to receptiveness of learning and interest must be encouraged and applied throughout the world as a whole if the effort put into getting rid of illiteracy is not to be proved worthless. I have had the good fortune to travel to a number of countries and I have watched kids struggling in a world which is not the one that a civilised society would have devised in its mind for them since these children ought to be at school instead of working for a living.  It pains me enormously that I can do functionally very little to alleviate their plight. However, I have come to realise that if I do not step out of my comfort zone and make the resolution to advocate the case of the have not, evil influences will move furtively and forcefully in their surroundings and as those evil influences encroach on their way of thinking and behaving they will spread dangerously into the core of society; that most definitely would generate a problem for law and order, and the moral values prescribed by society . Nonetheless, there is a fine line between having the courage to stick to what one believes in and acknowledging that the plans one thought would prosper were going nowhere and many was the time I experieced those feelings but I was not going to give up, instead they made me more determined to just get on with things. It must be said that it was not easy for I had to wrestle with doubts which were primarily the source of continuing uneasiness and unsettling feelings that accompany such an enterprise but on reflection my faith in mankind  and what I was endeavouring to do carried me through. There has been a positive progress but I am going to give you a challenge: "Make a great diving catch, throw to first base to get the double play and one more thing, help us to nourish, inspire and give the world's misery a well-needed touch of guidance through baseball and softball. It can only get better. Thank you for helping us to advocate and bear the weight of the world's predicament. I can assure you that your understanding will be most appreciated. I am looking forward to hearing from all you.
Best regards,
Head Coach,
Figueras Baseball Academy
"An idea doesn't necessarily belong to the person who conceives it but to whom is able to implement it since it matters not if one has the intellect for one needs also to have the know-how and the ability to communicate it to those concerned. Equally, it is of paramount importance to tell the world about one's attainmemt and findings"
Figueras Baseball Academy 2006 
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