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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Voluntary promotion of human welfare is the message I want to spread!
13 October 2009


2012 London Olympic games!
London will be an exciting place to be in 2012 since there will be an opportunity for the world to get together and compete in equal terms where the weapons chosen will be the tolerance and endurance of the participants. Indeed, the wisdom and exultation of co-operation will be weighed by the scales of philanthropy and human endeavour as the world forgets its troubles and watch the progress of the games with wonderment. Certainly, I care for the world and its social issues and I think that it would be selfish if I were to say that it has nothing to do with me just simply because it does not affect me; on the contrary, I think we should always help when there is a problem in the world and give its misery a well-needed touch of guidance. Having said that, on a practical level, blaming someone else for the world's problems is not the best way to deal with its shortcomings since everyone together must be responsible for everything that penetrates its existence. Indeed, it would be fair to say that the world has been constantly the victim of encroachment and trespass and we as a race are not exempt from accountability. Therefore, I believe the power is within everybody to mend the ways in which we deal with the environment so that we can transform and lengthen the life of Mother Earth and be at peace with ourselves.
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