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Wising up to heart matters is not a subject for a wiseacre!
02 October 2009
Figueras Baseball Academy 2006 
Look after your heart properly and you stand a much better chance of avoiding coronary heart disease! 
Last wednesday afternoon while walking the dog my sister, who is 57 years old, was taken to a hospital close to her home in San Juan de los Morros - Venezuela when she suffered a cardiovascular seizure which merited hospitalisation. The surgeons and the friendly team that dealt with her condition were very efficient as my sister's well-being became their priority. Needles to say that their prompt intervention saved my sister's life. I am very grateful to the National Health Service program and its staff for my sister's life and I would like you to know that the efforts that the hospital team made available that day were greatly appreciated by a great number of people.
This incident has prompted me to delve into the mainspring which causes heart disease and my findings are very interesting since they might help one to look after one's heart a lot better if one uses one's sense of judgement in a reasonable manner. I must say that my findings have been fruitful and this is what I unveiled while researching into coronary heart disease: 
What is coronary heart disease?
One's heart needs a constant supply of oxygen to function properly.  Oxygen is transported in the blood through arteries or blood vessels to the heart muscle. The disease comes about when the supply of oxygen is suppressed or interrupted and consequently leads to an affliction called angina or chest pains. Once the arteries or blood vessels become fully blocked the chances are that one would suffer a heart attack. 
How does coronary heart disease occur?
It occurs when there is a build of fatty cholesterol deposits and a presence of waste in the walls of the arteries or the blood vessels. These deposits form plaque that clogs up the arteries or blood vessels, narrowing them and restricting blood flow. This is called arteriosclerosis. 
How does one protect one's heart from coronary disease?
It is vitally important that one's cholesterol level is low and one's blood pressure remains normal. indeed, one can help one's heart by abating one's saturated fat intake, eating a healthy diet, getting some exercise, stopping smoking, limiting alcohol intake and reducing stress levels.
What does one do once one has been diagnosed with heart disease
One's Doctor will be the best qualified person to answer that question but there's no need to despair since there are many positive steps one can take to improve one's diet, prevent the condition from getting worse while still enjoying one's food. One is not confined to a dull and tasteless diet.
What is Cholesterol?
It is a fatty substance made from the saturated fat that one eats. It is inherent to healthy cells but too much of it can lead to heart disease.
Who is at risk
Smokers, obese and physical inactive people are most at risk. Certainly, smoking is a major risk factor since carbon monoxide and nicotine put a strain on the heart by making it work faster. They can also make it more likely that one's blood would clot. As it is other chemicals in cigarette smoke can damage the lining of one's coronary arteries or blood vessels, leading to furring of the arteries or blood vessels. Being overweight means that one's excess fat produces hormones that might increase one's risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes. Lack of exercise means that one's heart is not getting the workout it requires since it is a muscle and in order to operate properly it requires regular workout. 
Pedro Figueras
 Head Coach 
 Figueras Baseball Academy 2006 
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