SpanglefishFigueras Baseball Academy 2006 | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Baseball! Baseball! Softball! Softball! We need to be prepared for the time to come with vision and enterprise to succeed in our quest for fulfilment but first we must find the courage and dosh, fast, to forge the future of the young ones!
17 September 2009
U.K. the first country to win the world cup in amateur baseball!
Were you aware that the first World Cup in baseball was held in England-UK in 1938? Indeed, teams from the USA and United Kingdom played a series of five games and naturally, Great Britain beat the Americans four times in five games as they became the first baseball team to win the world cup in baseball. What a feast!
Past and Present World Cup Champions - Year Winner  - 1938 United Kingdom - 1939 Cuba - 1940 Cuba - 1941 Venezuela - 1942 Cuba - 1943 Cuba - 1944 Venezuela - 1945 Venezuela - 1947 Colombia - 1948 Dominican Republic - 1950 Cuba - 1951 Puerto Rico - 1952 Cuba - 1953 Cuba - 1961 Cuba - 1965 Colombia - 1969 Cuba - 1970 Cuba - 1971 Cuba - 1972 Cuba - 1973 Cuba - 1973 - United States 1974 - United States - 1976 Cuba - 1978 Cuba - 1980 Cuba - 1982 Korea - 1984 Cuba - 1986 Cuba - 1988 Cuba - 1990 Cuba - 1994 Cuba - 1998 Cuba  - 2001 Cuba  - 2003 Cuba - 2005 Cuba - 2006 Japan - 2009 Japan.
Pedro Figueras
"La educación de los niños debe ser siempre adecuada a su edad, inclinaciones, genio y temperamento".
Simon Bolivar
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