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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Would ever the broken hearted people of the world find a compromise in times of trouble and live life in peace?
20 August 2009
Rodolfo Rodriguez is a man with a mission!

On my way home from baseball training, I often buy a newspaper to read on the train to kill away the time and every headline in the paper seems to tell a tale of fatalistic times in my homeland which prompts me to laugh at its content since the substance of every piece of writing invariably changes into a persiflage to poison the heart of the gullible. There is a gap of thirty years which separates my early life in Venezuela from that which is more recent in the United Kingdom; however, my good friend, Rodolfo Rodriguez, has kept me well-informed of what is going on in the country and in doing so he has helped me somehow to fill that gap. Indeed, Rodolfo Rodriguez is a man on a mission to tell the world that the spasms of pain and tears that a number of journalists ink daily in their reports are utterly farcical and waggish to say the least for I know that the reality is a very different one. Needles to say that Rodolfo is a man with his own mind and heart filled with hard headed ambitions but not an enemy of democracy even though he is the most left-wing person I have ever known. To achieve his mission he uses his experience as a writer and his vast knowledge of the world political systems to put in black and white his views and those of his readers for the benefit of those less-informed about what really is going on in their own country.  Certainly, Rodolfo's writing has the tendency to change the paroxysm of pain into laughs even though what he writes is very serious indeed since life has shown him to be courageous in adversity and humble in victory. Indeed, I would like to think that Rodolfo Rodriguez is my friend as I would be very proud to have him as one.
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