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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Rays seized the night and delivered their best performance yet since they crossed the Rubicon to challenge the Red Sox at Fenway Park last night for the benefit of their fans!
14 October 2008
Tampa Bay Rays  9   Boston Red Sox  1

Rays victory over the Red Sox last night woke the echoes at Fenway Park as it gave light to a whirlwind of celebration in the terraces where the vistor fans were at.  Indeed, Rays' fans enjoyed their team performance to the full last night as the hosts were made to bear an utterly humiliating defeat when their defence took the brunt of the Rays' heavy artillery as Upton and Baldelli went over the Green Monster fence more than once at Fenway Park last night. Final score: Rays  9  Red Sox  1
P. Figueras
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