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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
It might sound like a statement one step short of barking mad but Britain nationalisation of its financial institutions means that it has turned its taxpayers from a nation of shopkeepers into a nation of money lenders and all the rest!
10 October 2008
The Bank crisis has turned Taxpayers in Britain from a nation of shopkeepers into a nation of bankers!

I heard the news today, oh boy, about Chancellor Alistar Darling's plan to throw British financial institutions a 500 million million lifeline which would literally make British taxpayers part-owners of banks. On the face of it seems a reasonable move as the economy waits with bated breath the bailout so that they can inject quids into the market as it falls amid recession warnings. Having said that the Chancellor must have to be niggardly cautious in the time to come with the taxpayers' cash otherwise the Treasury might run out of dosh. There is no doubt that the rescue plan is another example of a well-meaning attempt by the Government to manifest its concern as it has been forecasted that more financial institutions will collapse as the global financial disquietude deepens. Albeit, the Chancellor admitted that his rescue plan might not be enough, and he is not ruling out further interventions, he believes it would go a long way to help the economy of the country to get back on its feet again.
P. Figueras
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Hypocrisy is at the heart of our national character - without the oil of hypocrisy, the machinery of convention would simply explode.”
Boris Johnson

The Mayor of London


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