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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
05 October 2008
The Cynic often snarls like a dog at the cat's miaow!
I cannot wait for a large whisky to be served as a night-cap tonight for the logic has shown me that, psychologically speaking that is, it works consistently brilliant as it wonderfully spurs the spiritual framework of my soul into making good sound judgements at bed time.  Fair play marks out Gordon as a weighty intellect and a careful considered leader who people can trust to bring things back to normal just like the time it once was as he always walks around with his soul naked as he pushes himself above and beyond what might seem impossible to many for he enjoys the buzz that it brings when things come together.  Sincerity is the only direction he knows, needs and uses to tackle the whirlwind that brings rude noises and the fleeing of support that bring fear to the faces of his equals.  It takes some doing that does and I take my hat off to him since there are not any perks when confronting a difficult situation, especially, when the ship he is in charge of runs upon the rocks of misfortune as the furious seas in all men's thought go beyond the shores of reasoning and begins to spread discontent in an economical trend of uncertainties where a forlorn hope appear to be the only thing that has not yet fallen headlong in the dust of the Earth.  Never could he have imagined that the world with all its follies would be holding him responsible for its plight and its economical mismanagement. Indeed, the economical and political air of the world have been in turmoil since Ton and George joined hands to go after the devil beyond the pale in the deep blue sea of quarrels as the world jury was still out on that issue and a verdict had not been delivered.  However it came, the impulse to get up and correct the situation was too hasty in my appreciation for the ship of peace was run against the rocks of despair and utterly ruined by the furious seas of quarrels which has plagued the globe ever since.  Nevertheless, Gordon stands, somewhat apart from all this fuss, not enthralled while dealing with a pretender who had the cheek of cocking a snook at his authority for the benefit of his pretension to claim a position not yet vacant by the man in charge which he fostered when Tony was in charge of the government.  I do not wish to take an existing analysis of which there are many but I think that twisted thinking is the exclusive cause of nearly all mankind's sufferings but the pillars have a great weight to bear in the waking hours of rash acts.
It is plain simple we need your support to take center stage!
Hypocrisy is at the heart of our national character - without the oil of hypocrisy, the machinery of convention would simply explode.”
Boris Johnson

The Mayor of London


Figueras Baseball Academy 2006
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Figueras Baseball Academy


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