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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/06/2010.
Dare not disturb the calm while the storm still gathering pace in the Mets camp as some of the die-hard Mets' fans deviated from their norm stance to join those who vociferously expressed their thoughts about last night defeat at the Nationals' den!
16 September 2008
 Washington Nationals  7  New York Mets  2

I was bidding forth to a promenade on South Beach in Miami, feeling the sun on my back while watching the weaves of the seven seas reaching new heights when I met a parrot that kept saying, time and time again, "same old story, the Mets are shrinking again." Indeed, the clock is ticking and the pressure is on but there is no time to spare as the Mets might become mugs if they are defeated again tonight by the Nationals. The man from the fringe of the Caribbean, Pedro Martinez, was not at his best last night and the force of the artillery failed to bail him out.  However, the players must forget off-field diversion and concentrate on delivering the goods for the Mets and their fans tonight. I said it would be a very exciting race to the playoffs at the beginning of the season and it is proving to be so as teams in this division are given their all on the field of playing. It is certainly not a race for the faint-hearted fans as one cannot predict what is going to happen next. Final score: Nationals  7  Mets 2 
P. Figueras    
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Hypocrisy is at the heart of our national character - without the oil of hypocrisy, the machinery of convention would simply explode.”
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