ISDS Supported Sheepdog Training

Many thanks to the ISDS, Askham Bryan College for
the sheep and the facilities
and all you students who attended the
sheepdog training classes in 2018 and 2019.
It was a pleasure to be there with you all, and how nice that all the students stay in touch, sharing their successes (and sometimes some questions!) just very nice to keep up with you!
We haven't managed any sheepdog training classes at Askham Bryan this Autumn, but just to let you all know that the ISDS is still very keen to promote good handling of stock and dogs for students and farmworkers. Free to all the above, in a new format, the sessions will be available at private facilities that can provide the required suitable sheep and areas to work with.
In 2020 we will make some arrangements to share our training area at the Glebe in North Yorkshire to continue the ISDS's programme of promoting the use good working farm dogs.
If you are interested or know some one who is interested, please e mail