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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 25/06/2022.

Roger's Boat

Closely supervised...





Ordered my new boat upholstery from that nice Hayley Hld Warnes of Mannings Traditional Upholstery. This is the colour it is going to be. Cobalt Blue. V. Nice.

PS Torts came!!!


and just after this pic David made me run the fastest single of my life...

 Using the tenon jig to finish the support in the middle.

Spent a bit more time on the step / box. Sorted out the trim on the hinge side and some support in the middle. The trim at the front is to stop a wayward foot snagging the electric switches. Finally dominoed all the joints. Glue up tomorrow.

 Hmm, which roundover bit ?


Enough room for switch panel and radio receiver.


Continuing with the main hatch. Front and back are curved, sides have a chamfer to continue that. There is a strongback down the centre. ( Hatch will be covered with formed 12mm Marine ply eventually, and the grabrails will be fitted to that. )

So, sanded the glue off the joints on the forehatch coaming, they seem nice and tight. Fiddly job gluing the plywood frame on and leave that to go off overnight. Started cleaning up the old forehatch; hopefully it will come up okay and be worth saving.


but still a little slacking occasionally

Steady progress on the hatch assembly. The hatch itself is a little oversize, so that it can be finally trimmed, glued and fitted once the deck is on. I can see that it works mechanically and where to put the stops.


Cleaned up the glue line, cut the rabbets, made the hatch slide and routed the washboard rails. All good.


Dominos and glue up - had wait til it got cool enough for the epoxy !

(probably 20 year old Brazilian mahogany)

Steady day today. Fore hatch coaming cut out and assembled. Started rounding off the grab rails which are to a continuation of the main hatch assembly, glued the blocks under them just now, will need to run the router over them tomorrow to round the undersides 


So, planed the bowed board down as planned, took the other one and two capping pieces down to the same thickness. After that I marked, ripped and jointed the other board. Coming on. 




Well that went well, I thought. Did some epoxy resin work early on , before it got too hot, then into the workshop for a good tidy up and a second look at the engine. Wasn’t sure what I was going to find once I took the head off, but all seemed well in there. No rust or water, just a bit of crud in the cooling channels. Head now sitting in a bucket of diesel ( The engine head not mine ....)

Some boat building stuff fro Rog


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