'Plainville ASD & Stockdog Herding group is dedicated to providing an outlet for all breeds of stockdog to fulfill their instinctive desire to herd. The group will provide information relating to herding clinics and obedience training held at Plainville ASD & Stockdog Arena in York throughout the year. The future goal of P.A.S.H is to involve the UK herding fraternity in ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) Trials so that all qualifying breeds can gain stockdog herding titles and recognition. Group and individual sessions are available to book and information about these can be found in the 'discussion/events and files' sections within this group on our fbk page.
Happy Herding Everyone!'
Plainville ASD & Stockdog Herding
Liz and Kit
Vikki and Perri
and Zinga. Visit to the Glebe went off well!
Some Visitors to Glebe from California in
Septmber 2017!
To introduce a similar theme with similar goals, two very welcome visitors from the USA will be at the Glebe between 18th and 26th of September, dates to be confirmed. There will be lots of oppotunities to learn about the All Breeds Herding Association of America, with the emphasis on giving us the benefit of their experience in the business of introducing some forms of certification in a structured progression of sheepdog training. People who can work their way through some of these tests will find themsleves better prepared to try the ISDS trials, an object dear to my heart.
High light and left click on this link, select the open and view option...
More information available shortly; if this is of interest to you, please get in touch!
Of course we hope to visit Plainsville too!
Over winter the introduction of new sheep, and, in spring,
home bred black lambs, meant training had to be fitted round these ...
including re-inforcing the round pen when Ginger and Trouble
Showed the agility and clearance of show jumpers.
Five handsome Kerry Hills
provided some interest
for the more experienced dogs
The 'Gang' celebrate their first event, a clinic with Tanya Wheeler and family
Plainsville continued to host training events throughout the year.
October round 2!! October 15th 2016; weather pending there is another herding day being organised :) Please leave me a message below if you want to come along. 6 / 7 dogs max. £35 per dog (reduced rate for second dog). Multiple sessions per dog, includes refreshments and breakfast bap (sausage) Bring a pack up for lunch, chair (if you have one handy), flask cup (if you have one of those too lol). I am hopefully running another one on the 22nd October also (weather pending) then thats it until next March! get in quick if you want a place :) If necessary and demand is there we could possibly turn them into full weekends (sat and sun £60).
Vikki Wong is the owner/organiser and you need to find her on Facebook to link up.
Easy to split!