(Check this link back to an earlier Lynn leach clinic)
A.B Herding...Has it any future in UK?
YES YES YES! I am a judge!!!
Huge thank you to Terry and Reegan... and all of you who brought dogs along in support of the new venture into AHBA. The first (provisional) AHBA judge in the UK; I hope one of more to come.
Rusty Jeffers
6:18 PM (14 hours ago)
to me
This is to let you know you have been approved as a judge for the American Herding Breed Association. As indicated in the AHBA Judges Requirements, all approvals are provisional for the first two years or until the individual has judged at least twice, whichever comes last. Comments from the herding public will be considered in providing full approval. A provisional judge may take any assignment. Also, you will need to earn a second AHBA advanced title in that period.
Let me know if any changes are needed to the website listing below. If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your support of the AHBA and its programs.
Rusty Jeffers
AHBA Secretary
Goulder, Jacqueline
The Globe Farm - Westgate Carr Rd
Pickering, Y018 8LX, England
licensed: November 2017
titles: HTDIIIs
date last titled: 2017
Here are the results from
the AHBA trials
23 and 24 - 9- 17
J Williamson's Gus Herding Capability Test leg 1 Boxer
J Goulder's Zandie Herding Trial Arena Dog title Kelpie
Cookie Herding Trial Dog 1 Border collie
Valmis Jupiter HDT3 Border Collie
Chap HDT3 Border collie
D Wild Mac HCD Boxer
L McKinley Cosi HCd title Australian Shepherd
V Wong Blanche HCD title Australian Shepherd
Cloud JHD Border collie
L Morland Roy HCD Border collie
Nell HTD 3 Border collie
Ted HTD3 Border collie
M Harper Trend JHD Border collie
L Richardson Mirk JHD Border collie
Kylie Birch Finn JHD Australian Cattle dog
M Worcester Pink JHD Border collie
E Gautier Fern HTD3 leg 1 Border collie
S Plumb Tanzi JHD Border collie
To earn the 'title' from the AHBH dogs must have got enough points in two runs under two different judges. if just one run qualifies its recorded as Leg 1 and you can add the next at a different trial. So 16 out 17 earned at least one leg in their class. We also had three Pyrenean sheepdogs who did not enter trials but did a demo run and some instinct testing that quite impressed the judges. So 19 dogs with 12 handlers supported this new venture.
So a huge thank you
to those
who surpported this, and
(Me in the middle on a high)
beyond massive thanks to
our Judge Terry Parrish,
and Judge Reegan Ray,
from California.
(link to see terry Parrish's CV)
Terry Parish
(link to see Reegan's boxer Pip at this test)
and Reegan Ray
Reegan Ray I think there is something for everyone in these courses. the arena courses are very doable for beginners to fetch through and learn some basic stock handling and reading skills, and the field course offers a nice challenge for more advanced dogs that can drive and pen and shed without the extreme distances of your border collie trials. But even the beginning level field course can be a great way to start a dog trialing because you may leave your dog at the handlers post and go within a short distance of the sheep to send him on the outrun. Then you can fetch and end with penning, no shed. Trial practice in mini bites and recognition for the pieces toward the bigger goals.
The thing that struck us when we were in the U.K. is you pretty much need to jump into trialing at a very high level. Which is wonderful...but it's also fun to exhibit a good dog and a good relationship along the way?
to visit North Yorkshire...
A semmiar on a graduated set of sheepdog handling tests used in the USA to help handlers achieve better results as they progress through the trial set ups
With a first stage trial for interested UK handlers, (Fri 22-9-17) either interested in improving good working stock dog, training a less well know breed or even competing in ISDS trials.
We too can do this... ?
Highlight n left click, choose middle option to see how it was done in Canada...
Highlight n left click, choose middle option to see a young boxer trialing in USA!
High light link and left click; choose middle option... to see Australian Shepherd trialing in U S A!
video from US Nationals... Nursery Class...
This is Dan the Man, an AUSSIE...first one to qualify for USBCHA Finals.... and it happens to be of Elsie Rhodes breeding coming out of her Man, who was an awesome dog in his own right...
'Maybe a stupid question but is a bearded collie a stockdog or a driving dog-heeler type of worker?'
15/10/2013 08:19
Jackie Goulder
The answer depends on
a. define 'stock dog'
b. define driving/heeler type worker
c. the background breeding of the dog
d. the nurture-experiences of the dog
e. who answers the question...
Every one in the world will hold passionate opinions about all these questions, and almost all will be in opposition to each other.
Many will form their opinions from romantic notions about independent workers bounding through mountains of heather, taking their beloved master's sheep to market all by themselves,saving a small child from a river on the way back and winning a Sheepdog of the North trial the next day.
Some will watch a few One Man and his Dog programmes on telly and decide that if they can only micro manage their dog they too will be up there as stars.
One or two will know from experience what their 'line' of dogs is likely to be, because they will have selected for the characteristics they prefer to work with, day to day.
Some will just take their dog to sheepdog handling classes hoping like hell that they get a trainer who can help them achieve their own ambition, what ever that may be.
Bottom line is, you can only work with what the dog offers, with the facilities you have, and understand very clearly that in the end the dog is what you can help him or her be!
Train the dog in front of you, not the breed!
15/10/2013 09:51
A wonderful summer is drawing to a close. We’ve had the weather, the dogs, the trial successes, the litters of puppies, the chance to work our dogs on sheep...even if they are not the ‘normal’ sheepdogs.
At Glebe Farm, it’s time to sit back and assess the summer’s classes, clinics and one to one training times we have all enjoyed.
For twenty years I have been involved with helping a small number of people with the less common herding breeds to manage sheep.
I am about to assess the next stages, if any, and my continued involvement in them, if any.
Really, the future of All Breeds herding in the UK is , as ever, up to you. You, with your passionate, determined, highly individual approach to your dog, your needs, your own driving ambition. Or, often, the simple enjoyment of the learning process, of watching a dog reveal skills not often seen, a deepening of your partnership. There are too few of you, and your goals so surprisingly different from each other’s, to make the K C’s tentative approach examining accreditation for herding with other breeds seem practical, or even particularly desirable.
Because there are so few of you, I hope that you can unite your various goals to gain support from each other in the wider world of farming/sheep management. It’s a pretty hostile one unless you can prove your competence some how. Even if you can, come to that…
I have ambivalent views on all of the issues mentioned here. My most important view is ‘I am just one person, who has come to all breeds herding through Border collies, my A team. Just one person of the many out there you may be able to get help from, whom you need to convince to help you.’
Glebe Farm has always muddled along on a friendly, informal basis, a highly unprofessional approach that has usually worked really well. It gives me such pride and pleasure to see a dog and owner manage our training sheep nicely.
It would give me even more enormous pride and pleasure to see each and every one of you clutching certificates of merit from some illustrious body of people qualified to acknowledge the continued instinct present in your particular breed, and your increasing levels of skill in the management of stock.
Of course A B Herding does have some sort of future, but what that is would seem to depend on the persistence, tact, willingness to link with each other and sheer enthusiastic good will of the people wanting to give it one!
Looks like we're on!
Hi Jackie,
Well i asked Mikael about a clinic and he was /is very pleased to come and do this for us ! I'll just paste his messages to me for you to read - he wants to come over in June with Roy Sage, Roy is an old time Aussie stock dog person with allot of experience :) who is going to Sweden to do clinics for them next year as well :)
Mikael's initial response,
< Hugs, Mikael">>
I then asked about other breeds and he responded,
A good dog is a good dog.... If not we will teach them..
I have practice with Belgian Tervs, Hollandaise Herding dog, Rotwieller (he was most playing around), Kelpie, Border Collie.... Beardies and Pyrenans (exept for a short session)
ASCA is open for a lot of breeds, as we call: Lose eyed breeds
Dogs that control stock with body and precenece rather than eye.
I have a very strong and hard head dog in Ramsey and a softhandled dog in Spikey... I have to work them different, but also use their different talants for different tasks...
You will all love Roy, he is perfect for you, I will help him as and assistant and give a seminarie about ASCA Stockdog program... Her you can set up one day and invite a lot of folks...
We can handle up to 12 handlers a day, depending on the amount of stock and pens/fields.
The best is if a handler can attened two days, but you can set it up like a kind of herding test..
We are flexible and will train all dog after it's need and level
For practice we need:
Small pen, 30x30 ft/10x10 meter
Small field 100x100 ft/ 25x25 meter
Or a any field, but it is nice to have a smaller pen if a dog gone crazy.. It's easier to stop....
We try to train instinct rather than obedience, of course you need control over the dog.. An Aussie works for you, an BC works for the stock...
If you can make this come true, we will give you all our knowledge, experience and love you could ever have
Talk to Jackie.. and we talk over the phone....
He went on to say,
<<"We take anything you have in stock and fields/pens, I can come some days a head of Roy and work your sheep and see how we set it up.. This is your first time and you are in the startup process
Just let it happens and get going... time and future will tell if we did it right....
What is the closest airport to Jackie?
Where can we stay, we don't need any fancy expensive hotel... If you have a guest room we can share it.....
We need to see all costs with travel, bridges and a ferry...
If it can be fitted in your budget I'm happy
We can line up the days later, if you like to break them into separate days of clinic/herding test and bring a lot of folks for less entry-fee
Or have some few who attend for more days, for a higher rate...
You can also plan for a seminar on morning or evening time for two hours..
I will bring a copy of a theory concept.... which will contain all info one will need about herding in ASCA, with links and more ">>
And then,
<<"Jackie have a barn we can sleep in, no rain under roof and warm in june.
Two folding/field beds are okey... we can eat at the pub We try to cut the cost, so we can have as many as possible to attend.
In the first morning we like to start with theory and a presentation of each handler for 30-60 minutes, at this time I hand out a compendium which we walk trough... after this we like to see your dogs and how you handle them, leadership and so on, outside the stockarea.
Then we start work your dog with stock, usually without the owner... to see the capability of the dog...
Then we sort us in to two groups and start training the handlers to handle their dogs... makes sense?
In the lunch brake we have a summary with all handlers, and when the day is over....
One day is not enough to learn all you want... But it's a good start
like I said, we will be there for you and your needs to get moving within the ASCA program...
I also look forward if this could happen… ">>
So.. … It's a full on thing ! he is very helpful and enthusiastic :)
Linda Whyman
Jackie Goulder
Oct 24
to Linda
I will house and feed both of course!
The dates are of premier importance cos its a busy month...
I LOVE this man already... his dogs must also come!
we must get him as long as he can spare...
There is a farm campsite next door if dates are good could block book for dog workers... I'd LOVE two days and a 3rd for 'trial' ...
Jackie Goulder
Oct 24
to Linda
Ps send him link to our website!