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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 25/06/2022.

Birthday party. Willow's two bothers' a sister. mum, dad and grandad


Willow Is One today

But help is on its way


Our beck is badly over grown.

one man and his dog

I wish I could get this as a paint by Numbers!

Root veggies done ok


once again abandon the crinkley kale to Conservation


Tomatoes all grown up

Garden flock not observing social distancing


onions, kale and spinach

Lettuce, toms,peas and beans!



Bob's birthday 31.3.20


Green Energy putting a battery!

This is so much fun! When the sun shines the yellow lines go out to the national Grid as well!



A Group of guys, all turning 40, discussed where they should meet for lunch.
Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because the waitresses had big breasts and wore mini-skirts.

Ten years later, at age 50, the friends once again discussed where
they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet
at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because the waitresses were attractive.
The food and service was good and the beer selection was excellent.

Ten years later, at age 60, the friends again discussed where they
should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at
Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because there was plenty of parking, they
could dine in peace and quiet with no loud music, and it was good
value for money.

Ten years later, at age 70, the friends discussed where they should
meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at
Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because the restaurant was wheelchair
accessible and had a toilet for the disabled.

Ten years later, at age 80, the friends discussed where they should
meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at
Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because they had never been there before.


Paint by numbers portrait started!

Triffic weekend for Kis!


Earned a 3rd at Kildale Nursery, now captain of the Ryedale team Eng Nursery Finals in February!

Family portrait between finding sheep, MOD.

We got new training ground!

Happy New Year!


Hold my beer says Meghan

get well soon sir.





Grenville in November eyeing up the tractor used for gardening.

and the mini digger. It's a farmer thing, I told him.




Chap with grand-pups!



Bob Is gardening



Pauline's Horse


The best Christmas prezzy ever. ( Well in time for Easter.) (Not)


Glebe Gazette

Friends from way back!

Barn Owl fly-by near Nunnington











Cowes week 1928, and look how manic it all is. 

It looks like the paddle steamer is trying to turn around to head back to Southampton, but is struggling with all the boats in the way. The pier and parade are packed, people are using the underground toilets etc, but to mention a few.




Jack and Jill going down the hill! training at Askam Bryan is such a pleasure!





Young Reacher

Thanks bro!


Askham Bryan student Hannah with two young recruits and Cookie

Birdwatchers lining the road to Baysdale Abbey...

photograping the juvenile White Tailed sea eagle


Random enormous ship off Whitby...


 'Looks VERY like 'The Innovation',  an offshore heavy lift DP2 jack-up vessel what has been upgraded at Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam. Damens dock 8 offers excellent facilities near deep water, supplying jacking-up, mob and de-mob possibilities.' Thanks, bro!

'The main scope contained: Increase of size of S690 spud can shoes to 16 x 16 m each. Damen offers full steel S690 expertise. Renewal of turbine parts support structure, biggest part weighing over 200t. Fitting of upending bucket (sticking out 17m.) to starboard side of vessel.'

Super Sunset


Take or leave it




15th/16th September 2018

Results from ABHA 15.9.18

HCT Leg 1 Judge L Morland
C Grosser Rave W Beardie
E Flint Sandytrail Magie Noire Pyrenean SD
L Grosser Raving Spirit Braelyn Gitdoon W beardie
S Beavers Dirty South's Prom Queen For Topeka Aussie
C Grosser Raving Spirit Braveheart Gitdoon W Beardie
K Edwards Nell Border collie

HCT Leg 2 Judge A de Jong

S Beavers and DSPQ of Topeka Aussie
K Edwards Nell Border collie
E Flint SM Felicitas Noire Pyrenean

J H D Leg 1 Judge L Morland and leg 2 A de Jong

V Wong Origine deux Jee Wiz Aussie
V Wong Topeka Justasilver Storm Aussie
L Grosser Gitdoon Slainidh W Beardie

HTAD leg 1 Judge L Morland and leg 2 A de Jong

S Plumb Tanzi                                 Border collie 70,     81
W Stevens Spy                               Border collie 74,     84.5
J Goulder Valmis Kismet (NFC)        Border collie 83.5,   83.5


HCT Leg1 A deJong 
V Wong Stockyard Calamity Jane Aussie
B Moore Ewecalyptus True Blue Aus Cattle dog

Leg 2
V Wong S C Jane Aussie

JHD Leg 1 A de Jong

H Finnerty Pip Border collie
A Harper Whiterose Ava Border collie
V Wong Meg Border collie
S Beavers D S P Q F Topeka Aussie

Leg 2 L Lynn Morland

A Harper Whiterose Ava Border collie
V Wong Meg Border collie

HTAD1 leg 1 A de Jong

F Cameron Bowkol Dragon Dancer            S Valhund   73
K Birch Ch Downriver Free Spirit         Aus cattle dog   76.5
V Wong Quories Peri                             Border collie    87

V Wong  Quories Cloud                          Border collie   82

M Harper Trend                                    Border collie    84
F Cameron Starvon Valkryja Mist at Bowkol S Valhund  73
L Morland Duke                       NFC         Border collie

HTAD1 leg 2 Judge L Morland

F Cameron Bowkol Dragon Dancer Swed. Valhund     70
V Wong Quories Peri                        Border Collie     83
M Harper Trend                               Border Collie     75

K Birch Ch Downriver Free Sprit A Cattle dog             68

V Wong  Quories Cloud                       Border collie    82


HTAD3 Leg 1

W Stevens Spy 74

HTAD3 Leg2

W Stevens Spy 78


HCD and JHD are tests, with pass or fail sections and are not competitive. HTAD 1 is judged out of 90; NFC is a dog run  for qualification only, ie. a judge's or sponsor's dog...

Congratulations to Willy Stevens and Spy taking top spot on both saurday's HTAD1, and Vikki Wong who won the sunday HTAD 1 trials, one with Quories Perri and one with Quories Cloud, and Annette Harper with Whiterose Ava who won the Most Improved handler prize! Willy and Spy also qualified HTAD 3 under both judges. congratulations y'all!



They ask me why I live in the green mountains. 

I smile and don’t reply; my heart’s at ease. 

Peach blossoms flow downstream, leaving no trace – 

And there are other earths and skies than these.

Li Po (trans. Vikram Seth)


He is a serious working dog from his tail tip to his nose

But he likes to bow and grin and pounce on a running hose 

He can pace the ewes on the stony paths when they'd rather run and hide

He can nurse along the weaker ones with the skill of a mountain guide

He can stop the stroppy awkward ones, their old grey heads held high,

And bring them in, with their precious lambs, from moor to safe in-bye

He is a serious working dog, so good to see him run, 

With a rattle of paws on the stony paths for the ewes in the summer sun

Through the heather haze - oh the glory days, when we heard them call our name

And we stepped out together to play the trialing game

We stepped out together and it was neat and sweet and fun

With every sort of puzzled sheep on every sort of ground




Or Penguins.


4th with Chap at Danby Show trial!


This means I came 6th on day two. One of the three reseves from each day will be be selected as the 16th team member, the reserve, to go on with the English team. Yesterday's reserve has 2 more points than me so I'm out but you note who I was equall 5th with ... ONLY last years Supreme champion!




The boat building



Roger Goulder added 2 new photos.

Well that went well, I thought. Did some epoxy resin work early on , before it got too hot, then into the workshop for a good tidy up and a second look at the engine. Wasn’t sure what I was going to find once I took the head off, but all seemed well in there. No rust or water, just a bit of crud in the cooling channels. Head now sitting in a bucket of diesel ( The engine head not mine ....)

Some boat building stuff fro Rog


Sheep gathered  lambs sorted and dosed


Dog on pen duty


Clippers late so Bob started




Goodness can't believs I haven't filed any reports since then!


National Sheepdog Champion, Starter Pack

Guests take to the hills

have a picnic 

back at the ranch


Spring feeling a lot like winter




Said no obituary ever



A kind thought; Bob presnted with a basket of goodies for all the work he does all year for the various dog trials held by RSDS



and Jupiter  

got to play in

The only dry field in the north of England

Lucky lucky me... 

it was michael portillo on the train

Perhaps not

Askham Bryan today 8.3.18




Ungry Birds


SO wrong... but



My valentine is ...

Filbert fancy Feathers...untidiest pheasent award, taps on the windows for company!



Bob's sheep restraining trap in action





Uncle Alan's poem


Once in Persia reigned a King,
Who upon his signet ring
Graved a maxim true and wise,
Which, if held before his eyes,
Gave him counsel, at a glance,
Fit for every change or chance:
Solemn words, and these are they:
'Even this shall pass away!'

Trains of camels through the sand
Brought him gems from Samarcand;
Fleets of galleys through the seas
Brought him pearls to rival these.
But he counted little gain
Treasures of the mine or main.
What is wealth? the King would say;
'Even this shall pass away.'

In the revels of his court,
At the zenith of the sport,
When the palms of all his guests
Burned with clapping at his jests,
He, amid his figs and wine,
Cried, O loving friends of mine!
Pleasure comes, but not to stay:
'Even this shall pass away.'

Lady fairest ever seen
Was the bride he crowned his queen.
Pillowed on the marriage-bed,
Whispering to his soul, he said,
Though a bridegroom never pressed
Dearer bosom to his breast,
Mortal flesh must come to clay:
'Even this shall pass away.'

Fighting on a furious field,
Once a javelin pierced his shield.
Soldiers with a loud lament
Bore him bleeding to his tent.
Groaning from his tortured side,
Pain is hard to bear, he cried,
But with patience day by day,
'Even this shall pass away.'

Towering in the public square
Twenty cubits in the air,
Rose his statue carved in stone.
Then the King, disguised, unknown,
Gazing at his sculptured name,
Asked himself, And what is fame?
Fame is but a slow decay:
'Even this shall pass away.'

Struck with palsy, sere and old,
Waiting at the Gates of Gold,
Spake he with his dying breath,
Life is done, but what is Death?
Then, in answer to the King,
Fell a sunbeam on his ring,
Showing by a heavenly ray --
Even this shall pass away.


Too chicken to take the van any firther down the track

Chuckling streams runoff from the moors

Snow scenes at High Quebec!



What you see looking out of the window as the snow falls! And you wrestle with BBC Weather Forecasts

Spring cleaned fish tank

Chinook flyby

Scares egret

But not Mr Pheasent


Let's hear it for the terrier!


Roger's New Year Joke 


Heading for the feeding station MOD


New chimney pot!

LOVELY  and warm


The neighbours at play!


Christmas sunrise

walk in the sun

wait there before we cross the road

gifts for the cockies, and


and Barclay

 Grenville watches dinner cooking


Cake and new sign for Xmas

Roger's Falkland Island flag wot I bought 

Busy at ours this am

pheasant at the window

Man mending the chimney

and Rog filloing his screen wash


and a puppy called Sweep...

First Flames

Making room for Santa


I found the last 2 pieces

under the table, after I had dismantled the jigsaw.


Our last open fire before Logburner!



the sun has got his hat on

and once I understand this gismo I'll

  know lots more than I do now...


He said he was being sensible


Water supply for new house, Westerdale


Not all was possible with the mini digger



A lot by hand!

A covering of snow at MOD


Chap having treatment for lame ness, so Cookie has gained a lot of experience teamed with Jupiter, just ahead of him, in a brace team



Rusty Jeffers

6:18 PM (14 hours ago)

to me

This is to let you know you have been approved as a judge for the American Herding Breed Association.  As indicated in the AHBA Judges Requirements, all approvals are provisional for the first two years or until the individual has judged at least twice, whichever comes last.  Comments from the herding public will be considered in providing full approval. A provisional judge may take any assignment.  Also, you will need to earn a second AHBA advanced title in that period.


Let me know if any changes are needed to the website listing below.  If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to contact me. 


Thank you for your support of the AHBA and its programs.



Rusty Jeffers

AHBA Secretary

Goulder, Jacqueline
The Globe Farm - Westgate Carr Rd
Pickering, Y018 8LX, England
licensed: November 2017
titles: HTDIIIs
date last titled: 2017



Teesside is full of lorry drivers and motor cycle instructors who suffer from random sheep related radio messages interrupting their lorry driving and motor cycle instruction - 'Luke will you just pull over.... Luke please pul over on that grass Luke Jackie can you see those sheep below you pull over by the seives left at that round about Jim LEFT there's some behind you Kath LUKE ' Aaaagh


Pressie from Pauline...

That sky nearly drove me nuts...



Thank you for birthday pressie! feeling spoiled! Nice feeling! XXX


Because I lived there for a while


I O Wight from the Air

'List some of the books you have read on dog training' was one of the challanges on my application to become a AHBH judge...


So pleased! Zandie qualified JHD (Junior Herding Dog! she is only 7)

And two cones over there



Terry - from California...(she'll need considerably more clothes)

and Reegan... to give a fresh look at teaching  and trialling beginner handlers of all breeds of herding dogs!


Joking. Cats Rule.

Good day at Egton Show

Bob as the President!

The explosion in the brick factory

The heather is brill this year


Trouble at t'show...


Lunch at Cedar Barn! So nice!

Happy handler pleased with her dog Chap!

Got the shed!

Back from the Nationals

We had some rain

Meet Jed, Bob's new baby!


to sheep

Over there!

Elizabeth's Kate preparing for the Nurseries! Lift (Needs a little work)




499 pieces... 3-D. I may go blind.



We knew, when the top bananas all baled out after the referendum result. The teen age voters have revenged themselves on the oldies to get supported through their university years. Basically a win for terrorist groups and people with long knives. My 15 acre 'garden' is going to triple my poll tax, RPA will doubtless vanish and Europe's getting best laugh since the American election. And Ryedale's fracked.

 And that may read as teenagers being a terrorist group. I considered the offence this may cause, then left it as it reads. So kennel cough seems small beer at mo; got a bucket of antibiotic tablets all the dogs reject in any form of concealment so by the end of the course probably will be first customer of our new enriched super efficient NHS for re attaching my pill inserting hand.





Another Joke

To the woods

Jupe photobombing the scenary



Part of the team

Bluebells at Baysdale

Helping train the Plainsville sheep! On the mobile... keeping the heavy breather interested with the occasional whistle blast.

That Race

That Sign

On the way back

from gathering Jackos

above the steam railway line 

we saw the marbled blackbird. Better pic next time I see him...

Pulling the digger out at New House


Clough Head Sheepdog Trial from the

top of the field.

Valmis Jupiter makes it up there! I am at the bottom, in front of the white car away from the rest, the judge's car, begging him to flank so we get some steering. He REALLY wants to bring them straight down. I REALLY want him to swing them left along the side of the incline to hit his fetch gates. We did get them but time ran out...

(Thank you Thomas Longton for the pic taken on his phone; 'Dog has so much eye  I had time to take a picture')


Another lovely 2 days gathering at Baysdale

off the moor

and into the fields for lambing.

Bob in his Grandfather chair! The face of a man who has come home and found the garden hopping with non-commercial sheep... 


Merle Girls

Meet the great grand children.

Unruly. I blame the parents.

I gave the one underneath the last Werther's Origional

Red eye Jasmi stole a peanut

Wistful Pip


Hallo Grenville!



First trip to kitchen on their own feet ( except Fatboy and Jasmi, had to gather them up)


First Bone for Jasmi 5 weeks old



Brace boys!

puppies at 5 weeks!

Trial field was wet at Dog Keenal Lane!

Seven pups!

Flamingoland! Just over the fields. Can hear the punters screaming in the summer, big cats roaring in the evenings. My home for so long!

Valmis Jukka/ Chap puppies, all 7, eyes opening and practicing barks and growls!

They are half bro/sis to Valmis Jupiter.

Jupe gets a first!

And Cookie gets a fetch gate and a pen!

Thank you Jenny for the photos!

Some stubborn lost sheep!

My brother spoils me!

Delivery for the Goulders



The Curious World of Hieronymus Bosch

Discover the artist who has shocked and fascinated us for centuries with this thrilling documentary on the great Dutch master. Find your local cinema and book now for this special limited release!

Book Now

First i found his name in those few pages at the back of the book they put in to hook you in to the nest book... then this just appeared on my face book page... weird or what!


Lizzie's big day...inspirational!

Rainbow's end in the field, time to get those

lambs away 

Zandie's emergancy op a success

and Roger has made a tool box for different sized tools...

BossRobin, you missed him!

A celebration of the team's survival of the 2016 English Nationals. Heart felt thanks were offered to Chairman, A Mosey from us, and from Alec and us to his family team, the Castle Howard team, and Sally Banks, who doesn't even like sheepdogs, for an enormous amount of work undertaken stress endured with eternal grace and good humour.

A magic evening, highlight J B Murdoch and J Rangely, as dinner monitors, serving the apple crumble.


How did they know me n Bob were coming?

Day out at Pateley Bridge Show

This is how to shed... demo by Brenda H and Earnie...

The tent was fun and well shelterd, very cosy

The Internationals have been and gone!

The sheep were so pretty

so was the scenery

but when one of the sheep wranglers opened up his van for a brew next door to us

there was some serious Generator Envy going on.


Plant Rescue...the banana plants in their new home thriving! 

Had a little gold crest on my finger!

and a video link to see the fly by!

(Highlight, left click, right click the view page option.)

Try the above link for trials dates...Highlight, left click, right click the view page option.

New car... its a man thing


Chap did good but no cigar!

VIPs at Castle Howard

Young bullfinch slowly recovering after bouncing off my freshly cleaned windows... sorry, little soul!



Three personal highlights from the Nationals

Sharing lunch among friends with my Pa

 Making friends with my sheep on the course!

And we SHED! and penned... out of time as we singled.


Here’s your clip on radio York.


and another one!



One more day of competition...then it's the clearing up!

One more sleep to go to Eng. Nats!

One man with a lawn mower and 350 sheep hard at work...


Some one else is doing ALL the work! I LOVE this!

Cookie had a go

As did Zandie the kelpie


Mending fences

A bit of a do

There were strawberries

and cake

A very happy birthday party!

I have pansies

Bob's baby Shep... 'Stand back, ole fellah, I got this'

At Kessingland

I think Roger has made a door

and an um guines pig agility course?

Back at Glebe, last of our sheep clipped and

some chain saw gardening going on

Browse to the Zoo

and to the parrots


Roger has made

a circle making thingy


on the road sir

Zandie at the Herding day at Vikki Wong's...sheep cheeky.

Cookie also had a go...

And Jupiter did a good clean shed!

Lesson Learnt. Do Not Take the Lead off too early!After three days lurking in the wheatfield opposite, Kate is safe home!


Chap had a perfect half mile outrun on the Deerplay second day but failed to take vital stop and steering commands and brought them at high speed over bog gulley and rush to my feet instead of across the hill to the drop off point for his second outrun, so I retired. I was not alone, plenty more did the same, so I know what to practice for next year! The winning runs showed how to do it!



Young Shep


dear old Zetor


New Tractor

(high light link, left click, select view this link)


Getting very excited! off to see the Cherry blossom!

Love it that they've come to England to see cherry blossom

which really is pretty cool




Met this little soul and his nest mate on the road to Goathland; a snipe chick... what are the chances of seeing one this new ?




Roger's joints Explained








Finally a bit of sun!

so, WHY are you lame, lamb?

Start of the bluebell wood... work in progress 

The lambers come home

Just in time...First new lambs!

first new potatoes!

Roger has finished his box!

After playing penning with Zandie

we saw a little owl in the tree

and notice how green the hedgrows have grown in the few days Willy has visited!


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