Yet more success for Lesley Neville and Dewy (Brambledale Blue Dewy)!
Read all about it in Lesley's own words below, with two lovely photos, courtesy of Allan Brown.
"Just a quick update on Dewy. We went to a two day show this weekend, near Bridgnorth.
Dewy was entered in 4 classes over the weekend.
On Saturday we entered Intermediate Heelwork To Music and came first!
We also entered Intermediate Freestyle and came 1st!
On Sunday we entered Intermediate Heelwork To Music and came first again!
We also entered Intermediate Freestyle and came 2nd!
This means that he is now in the Advanced class for both Heelwork and Freestyle - wow!
He was absolutely stunning in his work, not just my opinion but in the opinion of the Judges who I know do tell it as it is. He was so lovely to work with and so very happy and confident.
I know I keep saying it, but I do mean it when I say thank you for letting me have a Brambledale pup, and for choosing the right one for me, he is a joy to live and work with."
My thanks to Lesley for her kind words and this is indeed a fantastic achievement for a young dog who is only just two years old (see previous news item) but Lesley is a remarkable trainer and so dedicated to her dogs that all her success is richly deserved.